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16 men. a dartboard. beer. it's a saturday night combination
Been invited to submit drawings for an exhibition in feb. Nice way to start the wkend. And we're doing well in the cricket too
Bookstores at christmas are warm seductive places
off to define the project i'm working on, which has been running already for 2 years. work that one out
meeting @gilest but where is he?
@wolfl no he left a while ago i think. resisting the urge to comment further
wow, discovery channel introduce a single sign on system 3 years after I worked on it. That's speedy implementation
@tomskerous same shit and a particularly strange toilet
losing the will to live
@leobarnes don't really expect anything else from the ES.
Gordon Brown says 'saving the world' instead of 'saving the banks' in PMQT and the tories jump in like a pack of hyenas. Very funny
trying not to get agitated by trad media dissing simple online distribution tools. Idiots
@rvillon my how the internet has changed since we last spoke ;) hope all is well
seem to be spending the day whinging and bitching about how bad things are. Is it because I is ill?
tweetdeck or twhirl? twhirl seems a little less intrusive
did the pub then bt new contemporaries show - if i felt like shit today tomorrow doesn't bode well. home with lemsip
@gilest you going to be central at all? Be good to see you
Throat closing in. Spreading my lovely germs around the office. It's good to share
watching people unwrap a new laptop. having to restrain myself from getting involved


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