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I have very disappointed for Xmas for the past 11 years. There is only one thing I want come Dec 25: Duke Nukem Forever. Can I get an amen?
At Panera's. In the mood for an insta-Netflixed brainy Brit movie, like Smiley's People, settling for crappy TV pilot sci-fi action instead.
@ayeshamus sexy is a heavy burden. with great sexual allure comes great responibility. gotta be careful who you aim the sex laser at, no?
Lee's jonesing for some sunlight and godiva hot cocoa. Mayfair time for B&N and Michaels (feeling craftastic)
NC electoral college will convene Monday at 12 in the Old Hall in the State Capitol. Public seating is limited but avail. Historic moment!
Jim Jarmusch was on SpongeBob??!! (my brain matter just dissonated)
@beebo_wallace thats pretty cool. I want to see a bulk unfollow tool. it takes so long to manually remove each freaking contact.
What's your Christmas season music tradition? Growing up, it was non-stop Johnny Mathis playing in our house.
I am at that tipping point when you overwhelmed demucking a room and you want to just throw it all back in boxes and toss them in the closet
Determining most efficient Hamilton circuit for Craigslisted yard sales tomorrow. Game theorist geeks unite!
@akiramedia !!!! Excellent. I love their pizza! Very cool.
@mclgreenville Social Security is also a Ponzi scheme if you think about it. Last ones in take the loss. That's our generation.
@javajive hahaha - true. that and I was telling Lee you can twitter about anything at all, even about defusing a bomb.
I just defused a bomb with 3 seconds to spare by clipping the blue wire. Yeah me.
I hate being late to appointments. I hate hating being late to appointments too. Its a conundrum.
An ass-dragging day for certain. Listening to really bad Beiruti techno, deliberbating about cleaning the den. Calgon
@ayeshamus also important are: 'friends don't let friends shave their chests' and 'never touch another man's mouse.'
@abbyladybug Welcome Paige!!! How are mom and dad?
@vasta I think a part of my dissatisfaction with Flickr comes from the contact cholesterol buildup. Maybe the key is to pare down


romanlily Gregor Smith Abby H Chris Michael Biven Josiah Goodson lane hartwell  ♥ shhexycorin ♥ Richard Perry Sameer Vasta Kevin Trotman Smythe Richbourg beebo wallace jon madison greg caro Chris Owens Kevin Marya Remember The Milk Dottie Guy Brandon Hoover Krystle Fleming Jake Kitchener rollertrain coffee_break Diane Sherman sharon west Lee Siscoe The Department Engelfish Taryn Blakeman John Andy Andy