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Apple cider in the farmer's market. perfect.
Just bought a flannel while listening to the Cure. realized it's actually 1994 in Urban Outfitters.
A surprising number of other girls getting their hair did on a Friday night at Twigs in the East Village.
Can't believe I thought a lemon drop shot on a Wednesday night was a good idea! and I'm 31. In my defense it was one of a tray.
James Franco binge day: saw Milk this evening (good stuff, btw) then came home to find Tristan and Isolde on TV (soso by shirtless). Swoon.
in a sugar coma, but we made Versailles out of graham crackers and frosting so it makes sense.
A very domestic day of grocery shopping, cooking fig jam and apartment cleaning.
Reading about Liza Minnelli in NY mag on the elliptical trainer tonight made me very glad for the simplicity of my family and my life.
@Dyfl i think his powers may be related to that magical arm band he wears.
at the New York Mag show. just saw a dude in a head band so you know what I'm up against.
Tonight learned about Museum as Hub at New Museum. Want to know about the green stripe thru the Bowery? Then beer & hot fries at Whole Foods
Back to bundled up weather where
a hot night out in suburbia: PF Chang's bar for appetizers and white wine.
At Kepler's books with my enabling step mom, so now have enough novels for multiple cross country flights.
at the end of our meal prep it turned into Iron Chef level crazy in our kitchen but otherwise a resounding success!
after a tasty dinner at a resto in the Mission, heading southbound on my old friend Cal train.
Made it onto the flight, now time for a nap. my body is not meant to be up at 5.30 am.
having half of a winter's worth of dead cells scrubbed off my feet before i go to Calif very early tomorrow.
you can never be too old for a clown to appear at your birthday party.
the milk ko cookie with cornflakes and marshmallow is pretty damn good but couldn't they serve hot coffee on a day like today?


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