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Did you know about Stitcho? I didn't know about Stitcho.
I like how NetNewsWire asks about becoming your default feed aggregator on the *second* launch.
@jxpx777 oops, EventBox playing tricks on me.
When I look at EventBox, I see the future. But even with just Twitter and Facebook on, it's a firehose. And only going to get more intense.
@altimac yes, the release notes are on the download page. We'll have some tutorial material online next week. This is a bit of a soft launch
RT @mkco: The final 1.5 version of BaseTen, our Cocoa database framework, is out.
@lapcat Whatever you do, though, never install the Logitech software.
(Not a great score, but not being a U.S. resident is a reasonable excuse.)
Got 85% on this U.S. civics quiz @brentsimmons linked to. Apparently US elected officials only average 44%. Scary.
@lapcat no, they all suck. Go with a Logitech VX Nano. The size of the dongle makes the fact that it's not BT a non-issue.
..and our official tweets will be at @mkco from now on, mirrored on the home page as well.
AnalysisTool/DependencyAnalyser crowd, do follow @pkamppur, the author of DependencyAnalyser
Scary/awesome: shipping labels printed right on the first try. The first try!
I wonder at what point the cost of all these bailouts eclipses the cost of just guaranteeing every mortgage on the planet.
@rentzsch I think it's a reaction to
The end is nigh: Apple changed the U.S. iTunes T&Cs to specifically forbid its use from outside of the country. Better spend my credits soon
And suddenly we have a ton of snow:
@mattgemmell Emailed ADC in June about being in the iPhone dev prog but not having test iPhones here in .fi. Reply 2 wks ago: "Now you do."


Buzz Andersen Jonathan Wight Robert S Andersen Olli 404 Tantek Çelik Hickensian Neil Bruce Lee Christopher Clark rands John Gruber David Chartier teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Jacqui Cheng Emo Piñata suʍoq ɹǝɥdoʇsıɹɥɔ Jeffrey Zeldman Dean Cameron Allen Tuija Eric Blair John Siracusa Johan Halin Josh Pyles Amy Jane Gruber Fraser Speirs Zachery Bir Brent Simmons Alcor rentzsch Daniel Jalkut isko Jim Correia Joi Ito Jarkko Laine Kalle Karjalainen
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