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Finally have a chance to try cantina
Well that would make a pretty brochure, but here on the web that's not how we roll. Grr.
Listening to other people in the office talking... wondering if I should tell them the difference between memory and RAM
@charp haha fare enough, there worse reasons then mine
its... it's... arghhh I'm gonna get smoten today.
@tealou on the Adobe site its saying you can only get CS3 with a free upgrade when it comes out atm. But coming in mid Dec so not long now
@tuna I use InDesign every now and then, not sure if it's worth me getting
@fulltimecasual pffft, I got one of those from Crazy Clark's for $10 :D Not very loud but they do look cool.
@tuna depressing isn't it? What do you think about the subscription? Trying to decide which is the better option for me
it's... its... please don't kill me grammar nazis, I swear I know how to use an apostrophe! :(
@charp that sounds like amusement! It has served it's purpose :D
@milesb @skribe @tuna thanks! Hope someone finds it useful, or amusing at least :)
Yay, my Web Mixed Grill article is up :)
Slightly rushed Web Mixed Grill article done and sent. Next thing on To Do list = ironing :(
So I think we've all established that the pointless survey is... pointless. Yay.
So according to the survey I'm 50% gay... which apparently means I'm a well adjusted hetersexual? Confusing!
@tealou not really a fan of it either, the scrolling is always a little hyper. Though I'm using it with a PC so don't get the good features.
@palam @logaan told me to turn it upside down and run the scrollwheel over some paper, all clean and working now :)


Serdar Kiliç Molly E. Holzschlag Kitta Michael Newby Tim Riley Krissy that grum guy! Sarah Russ Gary Barber drew robinson  Vicki Simone Nick Cowie Stephen Collins magia3e Susan MacGillivray Rosemary Lynch Bel Lloydy Peter Wells Vy-Shane Sin Fat Max Wheeler jordanbrock kate raynes-goldie Miles Burke michael tim Maciej Pawłowski andrew Richard Giles Scott Forbes Bronwen Clune John Cris Pearson
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