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I completely, un-ironically love the Destiny's Child a capella version of Carol of the Bells. Suck it, hipsters.
@mhusson yeah, I'm highly annoyed. At least they'll be able to do an actual ending, unlike do many shows I've loved that just... stopped.
Ok, I'm out of bed and dressed, ready to face the day... Aw, shit.
It is 4 AM. I have been up since 6 AM. Congratulations, crunktastic neighbors, you just got yourselves an eviction!
It's not that I dislike her, it's just that her voice is intensely annoying & she never seems to shut the fuck up. OK, maybe I dislike her.
OK, so if Elle's dead on Heroes, and Pushing Daisies is canceled, can I have my Kristen Bell/Kristen Chenoweth musical variety hour now?
@PrinceOfKeirin in that case you, sir, are evil and must be destroyed.
Sick in bed : sick at work :: wishing you were dead : wishing everyone else was.
Still quite astoundingly tired, achy, and gross. Wondering if I'm the victim of some sort of newfangled germ warfare.
Also: new appliances, vaulted ceilings & skylights, and leechable wifi from the leasing office next door. Guess which one excites me.
Complained about ongoing maintenance issues while re-signing our lease, and got moved to a completely renovated apt. for $100 less. I win.
@sarahintampa Option's still there, click the little down-pointing arrow. Not sure I love it either.
Okay, no one asked me if they could change my google reader. It's like if your coke dealer started using a different brand of bags.
Crawled out of my sickbed long enough to discover that cable's out for the whole hood. Which means no internet. Which means no Gossip Girl.
@PrinceOfKeirin @michaelengle Mystery solved! I was coming down with strep. <crawls back into bed>
@PrinceOfKeirin People suck, in general. Also, I work in retail. So.
@sodashop Y'know, I wonder if Buffy was even filmed in anything higher than 480P. I know the last two Seasons were, but the earlier stuff..
Ashamed to be a member of the human race.
At work, store completely empty save for employees and maybe a dozen customers scurrying about furtively. It's hella creepy.
Friends showed up at my house with $400 worth of food and liquor. I currently believe in both Santa AND the Easter Bunny. Not god though.


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