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trying twhirl 0.8.7, hoping it is less hangy on OSX
finding & fixing bugs by writing unit tests. in emacs. in python. like a proper programmer (p.s. what do I type to get '#' in aquamacs? :)
TextMate crashed but i can't kill the process; rebooting laptop
made a basic library for reading in RDFS/OWL
@maxf did oauth get much mention?
Reading about Yahoo brickhouse foolishness. Bummed for those treated so crappily.
giving up for now
./configure: line 22025: syntax error near unexpected token `1.3'
wondering why http://redland-bindings.dar... XHTML declares FOAF namespace
doing 'port install gtk-doc' for gtkdocize
rebuilding redland/raptor/rasqal/etc from subversion src
"invalid application of ‘sizeof’ to incomplete type ‘librdf_world’ "
wishing by some magic, Redland+Python just worked on my macosx laptop without chasing Py version weirdness
Quite liking Thunderbird v3.0
OK i have the ubiquity in thunderbird demo running. all it needs now is some commands
finally, real AI on the Web! (via libby)
@edd thanks. just found an HP Scan Pro that came with the printer-scanner too. But OSX capture didn't seem to work. ok now!
anyone know a free macosx app that'll let me import images from a usb scanner? don't have photoshop.
wondering what proportion of Pownce posts were MP3s of content that record labels would consider theirs
@lhirlimann #thunderbird 3 certainly looks promising, stylish; just good to see the product visibly evolving


Tony Stubblebine rabble kellan Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Jason Shellen danah boyd Dick Hardt Eric Costello Xeni Jardin om Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt adam Hugh Dave Morin Arun Ranganathan Dave Winer Giles Turnbull Mirona Iliescu Rich Gibson george Chris Jackson James Walker Robert Brook Stewart Butterfield Caterina Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson Steve Ganz David Orchard Simon Batistoni l.m. orchard
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