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Trying to get shit together for trip this weekend. Leaving instructions for sparky and plumber. Going to homeopath. Busy day! Am so tired.
Comedy. Bus driver stops bus in middle of Gloucester road hops off and goes to get bread from breadstore!!
Home from chiropractor. Feeling much better. Going to attempt a quick trip to town sans crutches. Also baby moved hugely and is now LOL yay!
Time to get dressed and head to the chiropractor for some pelvic improvement I hope (and to escape the knocking down of walls noise!)
@stormystorm hahah! I seriously doubt it. You'll look gorgeous I'm sure. Wasn't there anywhere that would clean the other one today?
@stormystorm oh dear! any particular reason?
Ok baby going mental, think she can hear the drilling and banging and is less than impressed!!
First day of maternity leave for me today. The drilling/banging has begun! Must. escape. house. Also where to book self catering hol for ...
@digitaldust how many do you have to choose from?!
Hehehe - the worlds largest box of chocolates is going down very well here at Future Publishing. My gift to the floor on my last day :)
totally missing the deadline for the code freeze and begging for an extension until tomorrow. Now waiting on the tag!
@iandelaney because it would be so much fun! Only a prototype right now though for the chaps own wife.
@Thayer mid-Jan ish, about 4 weeks now. Although could be later as they brought dates forward 9 days by scan details. who can say! only Lois
In the office tying up loose ends, handing over and completing forms. Last day tomorrow Hurrah! Also walking a bit better since Chiropractor
@pbfhpunk thanks for linkage. Sad to hear about Glynis
RT @ttucker23 Kickbee: a fetal monitor that tweets every time the baby kicks: Cool! Want one!
http://www.whatalovelyname.... What a lovely site! Not very often you find a baby names site you actually want to use!
On the plus side, baby is head down, phew! On the minus side, house is covered in a fine grey film of dust from top to bottom :( want out!
Missed the first session of my course this morning. Running way late. Didn't sleep, feel sick, feel hormonally down and like crying! Boo!
Train on go slow into London. Bit actually mucho crap that iPhone can't be used as modem. No work email on train = no deployment.


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