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I swear I'll cut down on the tee tweets soon, but in the meantime if you want you could fave the Charge tee on Rumplo.
Packing up SimpleBits goody bags for the cool kids who ordered T-Shirts.
Speaking of awesomely hot clothing:
Currently wearing my new favorite shirt - the Charge Tee from @simplebits. It's Winter's fiercest new fashion item.
I feel like I got a lot accomplished today, which is refreshing. Tomorrow is another full day, and I'm looking forward to it.
Fat fail: I just got chip in my eye after shaking the bag upside down over my face, in a failed effort to get at the last few crumbs.
@jasonhawkins @simplebits just gave me a couple more of those Pilot G-2 pens you love so much!
is really glad no one was here to watch her chase a giant fly around the office for 15 minutes.
So excited about all that's happening at SimpleBits right now. Stay tuned kids, there's some cool stuff on the horizon.
Wants to hide from the internet for awhile.
@awilkinson Congrats on the Campaign Monitor launch! It looks amazing.
Started watching The Pixar Story this morning. It's as awesome and inspiring as you'd expect. Also, Steve Jobs was way hot in the 80's.
Ever since I got back from FL, @jasonhawkins and I have been on a big failathon. It mainly consists of lots of naps and TV and candy.
"Fast and simple" vegetarian recipe calls for buttermilk, minced scallions, and lightly toasted cumin seeds. Because I keep those on hand.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I'm thankful that Coffee Time still had apple pies left when I went down there this morning.
Safely back in Boston. That feels good.
Waiting on the runway to go home to Boston. Trying not to watch the coverage of the Mumbai terrorist attack.
Okay that tweet about birthdays was supposed to be to @squeezyb, and was supposed to go up 2 days ago. Twitteriffic fail.
@drinkerthinker @squeezyb Hope you had a great birthday! Hurray for our birthday not being on Thanksgiving this year. That wears me out.


Andrew Wilkinson Dan Cederholm Beep. Ryan Irelan Ryan Carson Greg Storey David Lanham Jeffrey Zeldman William Couch Eric A. Meyer Keegan Jones Stephen Colbert Jason Seifer Angelo Simeoni Tyler Hunt Jermaine Pulliam Jason Hawkins Brian Kerry Murphy Larry Underhill Kimmers Rich Thornett ioucoffee Refresh Boston Jenelle Simeoni Paul Kelley Kittle drewtoothpaste sharon amos squeezyb Marcel Moreau buildguild Lizzy nanhawk Louise morgan lunchbunch