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Reading: BMW Plant Fueled by Landfill Gas |
have you seen fembot AIKO yet?
@rabram66 oh i don't mind that they contacted me. it's just very telling.
@mrmuhammad not a problem. it's just showing me how bad it is when i haven't spoken to someone in a year and it's like an IM from who?
you know the layoffs are bad when ppl you haven't heard from in years start iming to ask you if you hear of any opportunities let them know
RT @Kristasphere: Re: NPR Cancels Only Black Program, News & Notes
@bigced hello to you too. trying to make the tweetup tomorrow night, but i have family to tend to too. we'll see.
@Kristasphere that's not even a haircut, it's just a hair strewn about look. but thanks anyway.
RT @saulcolt: Here is a little write up of the Mediabistro event i spoke at last night!
@ranajune i can't wait to learn about any new android apps. and developers can learn about making money with medialets.
@ranajune that's a nice piece in venture beat on the android market
@misterjt glad you liked the foreward, and hope you like the book.
@misterjt u just reminded me, i still have copies of tracitical transparency to send out from the lottery winners..
@dancosta it definitely serves its audience. i guess that's why i don't use it much. it's the only place that i don't have my profile open.
@skeskali you fall on your face? never
@rockaCANDY don't worry about it. it wasn't about the web. it was about me trying to make contact and event sync work better in my life .
@ybpguide i hate entourage. don't want to use it and keep trying to find way to have no dependencies on it whatsover.
@ybpguide sync'em may help me to cut out ical though. i cal was a backdoor so that entourage could sync with with it to sync with gcal.
@ybpguide yes i'm still on the G1. it uses gcal. i use ical on the desktop though. my work uses exchange. so there you have it.
glad i only paid one year of spanning sync use. think i'm switching to sync'em hopefully not as messy as ss or plaxo.


Adam Rugel Evan Williams Rael Dornfest veen Jason Shellen danah boyd Wayne Sutton Ross Tara missrogue Hunt Gene Ian john Jonn Nubian nadege Darla Mack Brett Petersel Jackson West Jason Calacanis George Kelly Glenda Nancy Scola Jason Fields Mustafa Maluka Chris Brogan John Federico Elisa Camahort Heath Row Brian Clark Zadi Diaz Maxine Sherrin MJ Tantek Çelik Joshua Levy Ray Garraud Sandy Robert Scoble
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