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Thanks for the $22 fillup #cjevron
I just looked up and saw the lights of the Goodyear blimp. I fucking love LA. Btw excused from jury because the attorney knew me. Whiskey?!
Through the magic of The Internets and The Facebook I am running into classmates (from 1993) at Jury Duty. WTF, tis the future my friends.
Wishing I could pre-load magazines in Google book search. I tend to flip through a magazine first, then read it front to back. Now I wait.
12seconds - Peeling an orange on Jury Duty
Orientation complete, juror forms turned in, waiting with other potential jurors. Oh wait a new speaker for orientation pt 2
jury duty. torn between trying to get on a jury, my civic duty, and trying to lame my way out quickly so that I can get back to work.
still itching for a ffffound invite if anyone has one (they make great stocking stuffers)
@Lotame great work guys, keep it up. Would love to see updated report on engagement time in general.
@danbenjamin good fast glass, can't be beat
Feeling like I haven't cooked in forever so it's straight to Pavillions on the way home. I have pent up Food Network ideas in mind.
@aweissman busier and hungrier than I want to be but well overall. How's everything on your end (6 degrees)?
Heading out to finally grab lunch and considering not coming back. Have laptop will travel.
@aweissman thanks for the goodrec on uservoice, trying it out now
Sunday is slipping away, someone get the duct tape
@pro_fab I'm just salty because I didn't receive mine yet. I have some overpriced plane tickets and haven't decided if I'm going yet.
@pro_fab this sounds sketchy, how do you know already?


Jason Cosper Michael Buffington Masahji Stewart Zadi Diaz Sam Felder Leonard luxuryluke Andy Baio FUEL TV John Gruber Khoi Vinh Mike Macadaan Sandor Weisz Andrew Huff Mister President BarCamp LA AJ Vaynerchuk Alison Headley Barack Obama Ryan Gantz Jennifer Secord Todd Roberts Rachel Glickman Andrew Warner Braxton Sloane Berrent Jason Kottke Andrew Weissman David Shen Cabel M. Sasser Todd Dominey Serious Eats brandon walowitz NOTCOT