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Tired from zucchini antics and a late night at the office (mostly for the xmas party). Starting a post on theatrical dystopias, then to bed.
@WendyRosenfield Oh! Guess you didn't see the review, then ( Basically: I love LesFreres in general; DDR, not so much.
Melissa "You don't want your newly widowed hero just jumping in the sack with someone!" @TorieA "*I* certainly don't want that."
Torie: "[redacted] is criminally stupid!" Liz: "When did they criminalize that?" Steven: "Sadly, too late."
Finally sent @cmpriest her Boneshaker line edit, which is satisfying in general, but especially so when it means that I get to eat dinner.
Got an ad for a "subversive" HEDDA starring MLParker & MCerveris. Guess I should usher. But once you've gone Van Hove, can you ever go back?
Just gave an informational interview, and now I'm heading to the store to pick up a zillion zuchinis for a subversive potluck dish.
@WendyRosenfield ...comps because the show is reviewproof: they could sell it out 3 times over with just friends and family of the cast.
@WendyRosenfield I assume you found me because you saw my bit on DDR, though I’m by no means a real reviewer. Perhaps there were no press...
@NorwichGrrl I would love to, but have plans for the normal after-work coffee slot. When are you around until? Maybe late-night pie?
Eep. Home was a bit like being strapped to a chair and forced to watch a CBS Family Movie of the Week. Coddling my brain with some editing.
Matinee: saw Edward Bond's Chair at TFANA. Lurved it. Oh, Angry Young Men of British theatre. Now off to the Signature for Home.
Oh! Is it already time to go meet @douglaswolk and Lisa and Sterling for dinner at Two Boots? Why, yes it is.
@2muchexposition Er, make that NY *Mag*, not NY Times. Not that there weren't shows on them I liked, but nothing surprised me, either.
The NYT, Time, and AP Top 10 theatre lists are all lame. I am so sorely tempted to put together my own list that no one would care about.
@bkmcgovern I just think some of us should bring dishes to share on top of the pizza. Some senior eds. think it'd be chaos, but yummy> ...
@bkmcgovern Why should we have to choose? Did I tell y'all about my desire to hijack the probably-depressing Tor xmas party with a potluck?
@davidmoldawer Perhaps. But I doubt I'd be reassured by people who can make or break my books being unappealingly naked. Or appealingly so.
@rajanyk It was my first time, and I loved it. Best quail I ever had.
@davidmoldawer Is your sales force there much more attractive than ours over here? 'Cuz I'm not sure I could make myself do that with ours.


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