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@wendyybailey, @guykawasaki, while we're at it, say "yes" to -ndie Business Radio too! I invited you last year!! Who else wants Guy??!
@Debdiego We all have our "weary of motherhood" moments. I feel you! Will send you happy mom thoughts!
@brambleberry Yeah! Re: Clintons and all rising again, thankful for second chances. And third. And fourth! ...
RT @Gingerlatte - Girls Just Wanna Have Funds Meetup looks fun! I want funds!! And I can spell too.
@Gingerlatte - Firls Just Wanna Have Funds Meetup looks fun! I want funds!!!
@Debdiego Oh, you mean she won't wash on a schedule. Just washes when she runs out of clothes. Set up a schedule. Consequences if not kept?
Looking for anyone with live radio show. Ever done while streaming video live? I'm thinking about doing this for tomorrow's show. Pls RT.
@Debdiego Is it too harsh to simply let her run out of clothes or wear dirty ones if she won't wash her clothes herself?
@Drwright1 Thanks. Sorry I forgot to say the name of my guest @HuckC21. I was so excited I forgot to add that little detail.
@twitmastwee I always told kids Santa is fun, not real. Never wanted to have to tell them I lied. Worked out. We all have fun with Santa.
RT @brambleberry Breaking from reading "Autobiography of a Face" to watch SNL's Hillary impersonation from last nite:
@brambleberry I was exhausted by the time it came on last night. Thanks for Tweeting the link. I hadn't seen it yet.
I just added the video @HuckC21 and I recorded live about an hour ago to my blog. You should do this! It's fun!
@Debdiego Oh, I was so excited I forgot to share my guest's name. He's Chad Huck @HuckC21. Follow him! Thanks for joining
Now streaming live at I am interviewing him about ustream! Join us live!!
Live to give.
Church. Praise the Lord.
7-yo DD to 5-yo DS: "Don't worry about Santa being too fat to fit down the chimney. Parents always open the door to let him in anyway."
5-yo son's first words this AM. "I wanna go to church. I wanna learn about God because I wanna know if there"s a real God."
@grapeseedco What a treat! I hope you had a great time. What a sweet surprise that must be. You can make sugar scrub tomorrow.


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