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Ok guys, have fun drinking with your coworkers at 4:30. Wait, is that just me?
Man accidentally shoots early while in bed with wife:
@ScmykOTT it works. don't give me that lip.
New Gourmet loading animation knows what you see when you close your eyes: Just me? Oh.
The greatest thing you'll see today: You're welcome
@sweetsusette Are you sure they're not bruised from "talking like Helen Keller" with them?
@EffingBoring Good call on LILWAYNESWORLD, the lols are strong with that one
*Ring* "Hello?" "Hey @d_bag, what's up?" "Just watching My BFF" "Watching them do what?" "No, it's a show" "You need a life" "I really do."
If anyone thinks it's weird, like I do, that @sweetsusette had never heard "Linger" by The Cranberries should @ her and tell her so.
Tabbing between my IM conversations I see that I said "indeed" in all three. Might have to rethink the frequency in which I use that word
@jeffcannata Ever try making your own from scratch? Some people scoff at the raw eggs but we know you have no problem with that...
The tree is lit. Rock Center is insane. I think I'll stay upstairs for a bit while it disperses.
This is old, but it makes my heart sing: via @pkennard
On Diggnation @kevinrose brews tea from @OceanofTea, in his car, using a tea ball and a starbucks cup with hot water. This is a great idea.
@petefazio And whatever database they use is pretty complete, it finds lyrics even for the weird/obscure songs
@petefazio So far, so good. Sometimes line breaks don't really work so you get them in one big line. Particularly nice on the iTouch
GimmeSomeTune is awesome bc it adds lyrics meta data to my iTunes songs. The _slight_ pause as it collects lyrics on a new song is less so.
Will be buying this: Also, nice effect on viewing the sample pages.


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