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@livia We're going to La Boheme tomorrow(!). See you there?
At 6p, that nap seemed like an AWESOME idea. Now, not so much.
Friday night at Chez Mibblebine: we took a two-hour nap, then listened to "This Week in Virology" while making squash soup + potato kugel.
Btw, folks, it's Coffee in a landslide (with one rogue vote for Sex). So "Yes, we can!" beats out "Fuck you!" Nice.
@gabbyh Sign of my mental state: I slayed myself with that one.
@gabbyh: For your wedding...?
Good news, in a literal sense: now incorporating external links, lots of them. At the top of, click Times Extra.
Those who've asked: Fb emailed me about a possible security prob, said it included Macs. Fb security info:
Ah @mlevel makes an excellent point: @SarahM Without coffee, there probably wouldn't be antivirus software--or a need for it.
Tweeps you say you're immune 'cuz you're Mac users: the latest virus courtesy of Facebook appears to infect you too. Re-debate!
Which is more important: anti-virus software or coffee? Debate.
Here's what I'm learning in Biz Law class tonight: If you're gonna go into product liability litigation, you'd better have a strong stomach.
@matthewSBOC So glad you liked it. Thanks for letting me know!
Having FF issues: turns out @comcastcares and @tonystubblebine are talking about the "fast forward" bug not the "Firefox" bug.
I meant to say: Also, @deanmeistr commented on that NYT story about Helvetica in the subway. #WorldsCollidingInTwitterville
Also, @deanmestr commented on that NYT story about Helvetica in the subway. #WorldsCollidingInTwitterville
RT@harryallen: How Helvetica became the dominant NYC subway typeface. Everything I dig is here: NY, design, the subway.


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