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Santa Sa came to town today. And was thrown up on.
why is there always paperwork, and very little to nothing comes from it.
@Veronica As someone that used to get them all the time, I feel your pain. Hope you feel better.
Its amazing how quickly Comcast responds when you involve the Attorney General. Why can't they just treat their customers correctly first?
Sorry to see Pownce fall.
Why are these bailed out CEOs not treated like economic terrorists. That is what they are.
On the way to aunt jane's for some turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Back at work. You have to ask, where else could I be?
Can anyone get to work this year. I keep getting server errors.
I wanna go home
why is it "Who can we blame?" is the first (and usually last) question we ask these days? Not "How can we fix this?"
Dinner at Famous Daves : current location
iPhone updated, 11:37AM
@pbromberg Yeah. But still not happy. Charlie loved it.
I am going to miss Pushing Daisies, DSM and Eli Stone, not to mention the Shield, Boston Legal
Stinky was cranky last night, but slept mostly thru the night. He is good now.
Why is time in Philadelphia moving backwards?


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