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COFFEE. HERE. NOW yay. I just finished Wall-E with my daughter and I actually watched it. Pretty good little flick about human yuckiness
Kind of watching The Rachel Zoe Project. The way she talks is horrifying. OMYGODSHUTUPRIGHTNOW!...
freezing my booty off
arguing over thanksgiving
guess I'm gonna start on christmas shopping today...ugh
having sushi and considering drinking the starbucks doubleshot I just bought.
bad bad bad day
eating crackers in bed. ya that's right.
I've also decided that its time to overhaul myself. I've been running around mad as hell lately. obviously time to change things up
wait a minute- my birthday is thanksgiving weekend. I guess I can go to dallas this weekend.
thinking about getting way out of town for my birthday. staying home can be my husbands gift to me
marriage: I wouldn't suggest it
reading parenting magazine- subscription came free with an online order. funny stuff...
wishing hard that the dishes will be done when I walk in the kitchen
rearranged my bedroom...its now 2 degrees sexier.
listening 2 my husband do dishes
bored. watching football ,waiting on clothes I want to wear to finish washing
needing sleep, rolling eyes @ husband & his bathroom computer
waiting on someone
I am missing Texas


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