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Back in the office - trying to finish things up for the year. Imagine fights commoditization 50 weeks a year - then we take the last 2 off.
@behaviorgap How would you do without social media tools? Probably follow the same path.
Sitting at Indy airport - hopeful that the winter weather holds off until after flight leaves. I'd love to see my family before they sleep.
About the give my last speech for the year.
Do Relationships Matter: I’ve been working with several new sales teams recently.  One of the valuable thoughts ..
Whoa Nelly - It's Cold.
Take off, eh. It's only Indy, but the whether feels like Canada.
@BrandAutopsy Thanks John. Very interesting.
Jay Leno, NBC, Value Depletion & Bankruptcy: A news story quotes Jeff Zucker, NBC’s CEO, as questioning wh..
@MattRissell Everyday I get to work with fascinating people who really step up to make the world better. I'm lucky to play the game w/them.
Philip Seymour Hoffman is one bad $#% of an actor. He's up there with Kevin Spacey - if he's in a movie - I watch.
@SalesManageSlns I don't know if it's either/or. Sometimes complaining AND getting to work is the key to successful problem solving.
@BobbyJindal Bobby, if you're going to take advantage of media like Twitter - you have to engage. Not just one way communication.
Packing up for Indy tomorrow. Preparing for my last speech of the year.
Enjoying a relaxing day with my insane chlidren (and wife).
I had two: the Six Million Dollar Man and my first mixing board that inspired me to start my first business.
I got asked a great question last week: What was your favorite Christmas/Hanukkah gift ever?
Back home with the family for the weekend. One more speech on Tuesday in Indy, then I get to stay home for the rest of the year.
I loves me some forward thinking - growth oriented executives. Who'd of thought I'd find several of them in Buffalo.
Home for an evening - then off to Buffalo for a sales workshop with a client's 50 salespeople.


Russ Thornton Steven Krein John Moore Craig Stoltz Maxine Teller Spike Jones IngarGrev BeckySheetz Casey Wright RedskinsInsider debivincent Lance Cooper danidavidoff BehaviorGap Bobby Jindal Mr Tweet