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Democrats gain OH-15. Provisional ballots FTW. (Literally.)
Galaxy Hut with teh Libertoids
I expect the fringier elements of the Ron Paul r3VOLution to make us all look bad with more shit like this:
@JPFriere Don't care re: the wake-up time. It was the wasted hour and the knowledge that the hosts, unable to reach me, thought I'd flaked.
Nothing more fun than waking up for radio show that fails to contact you. An hour by the phone well spent!
Pour Some Sugar on Me/Livin' on a Prayer double header of doom.
Never feel gayer than when I'm surrounded by dancing white girls. Less makeup, plskthx.
White girl strobegasm at Hawk
@Patrick Ruffini Nancy Pelosi loves LA-2 tonight.
Anecdote derailed by mistakenly thinking someone was pregnant.
Xmas party at Liz Brown's. Later, Hawk n Dovery with some tories
Watching scene from LOTR, inspired by @armsmasher. Forgot it was produced by "Wingnut Films."
Catching up on pre-election Tivo'd episodes of shows - with ads!. Worried that this Obama guy might not be Ready To Lead.
Beware if the red dye job German girl at Black Cat. Crazier'n all hell.
All cried out. Slouching towards Sollys.
Punisher: War Zone basically long ad for Silly Accents lobby
Black Catward bound
Chinatown XXXpress.
Bumper sticker on 6th and H: Confederate flag+slogan "Fighting terrorism since 1861." Who's going to tell him we have a black president?


jimbo wales CNN Breaking News Emily Thorson PJ Doland Barack Obama BnWklr Taylor W. Buley Amanda Marcotte Catherine Andrews Patrick Ruffini Talley Cord Blomquist William Beutler David All Erie Matt Stoller Scott Gordon Will Wilkinson Chris Beam Heather Goss Oliver Willis Jason Pye Peter John Dickerson Christopher Hayes Jon Henke Patrick Cooper Soren Dayton a. guess Liz Jacob Grier La Shawn Barber Joe Trippi Mashuptown Gunnar Hellekson
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