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Digital photo frames have come a long way in 12 months - saw a 12" model in PC World for a hundred pounds today. Looked fabulous
Some warm responses about a climbing Tweetup, but looks like Jan 09 will suit better - everyone's in the last throes of xmas prep at the mo
That NI moment on the 'factor was the funniest thing I've seen in ages. The mayor is mental verdict on my Twitter life - "My grandmother uses Twitter more than you do" (hat tip @paulfabretti)
The guys at Hotwire really know how to throw a party
@8LL Twitter Search is your friend - I'm at the O2 Litmus event today and here's the feed:
North UK RT @barcampsheff: win £500 with #yorkshireforward and #barcampsheff by promoting Sheffield. Deadline Mon 22 Dec. - Bright lights and bright minds at the #o2litmus developer hack day
@Laura_Scott that's the spirit! i want 'ouch! my forearms' to be a trending topic by monday morning :)
mmmm dynamic layouts hit Netvibes -
@PaulWalsh hardly 'death by powerpoint' - 'thumb war by powerpoint' at worst :)
@drewb *waves from the door* :)
Any London climbers fancy a Tweetup with a difference at the Castle climbing wall? :)
Has Nigella Lawson been to the Kerry Katona School of TV Appearances?
@benrmattews after a mammoth Oxford Street sesh I wish I'd joined you at the O2 :)
@Barb_G Ah! Can you tell me how this all works then? :)
@Barb_G re: SJ quote - nice. I'm a recent migrant too, we should share tips and tricks!
Is this blog by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a spoof? - anyone know?
Microsoft's worldwide telescope - there must be a phenomenal amount of money invested in this, for the Wall-E tour alone -


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Jerry Michalski seanbonner Tara missrogue Hunt Dave Morin Greg Lexiphanic Emily Chang Brian Solis Mike Coulter debs Tom Coates Bobbie Johnson Antony Robert Scoble Mike Butcher Stubbs Peter Cooper Sean Howard Imran Ali Frankie Roberto Darren Waters Bernie Goldbach neville Hugh MacLeod Amelia Torode Kevin Marks James Governor Ewan Spence Simon Bisson Suw Tim Bradshaw Armand David Jeremiah Chris Applegate
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