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Texas Senate 17 is the last battleground of 2008. The runoff election is today:
@jbrauer And I hear the Acquia Drupal folks have really cute kids, too!
@shrop sorry for the slow response - travel+now last day of runoff ( we'll see how the acquia upgrade goes, our first one!
about to go wheels up on LUV from MSY ->SAT
listening to the blues and eating crawfish omlette in the French Quarter
broadcasting live right now.
powering down from Doing It with Drupal. Heading for Mothers for red beans and rice. Cafe Du Monde for beignets and fog in a.m. , then home.
broadcasting live right now.
#diwd I'm finishing a Knight project to help newspapers+teens. I need Drupal6+OG+and panels. Can I tell kids and papers Santa/panels coming?
@yelvington you totally crack me up! Been thinking about you from at this conference, Drupal dude. Lot's of power for news here.
RT @yelvington: @CharlotteAnne I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stones.
Google translation: Drupal 6 multiingual Websites rock =>Drupal 6 stones multilingual Websites=>Drupal 6 multilingual Websites stone #diwd
@eaton that was my q earlier: i probably missed this, but is all of the translation of emails or content done by the module? or community?
#diwd multilingual - i probably missed this, but is all of the translation of emails or content done by the module? or community?
holy cow. Gábor Hojtsy says new Acquia Drupal version came out a few minutes ago and there it is in my inbox. <3 Acquia! #diwd
planning Drupal World Domination (multilingual sites) #diwd
calendar color-coding with a magically appearing and disappearing block is totally way cool #diwd
@daspin are dog years shorter or longer than Internet years?
@ajschwab thank you for that pic! saw one in the womens room and wondered if it was in mens as well!
Karen Stevenson is making Time and Calendar jokes, from Gregorian to Aztec to PHP to GMT #diwd


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