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@DDrDark Heh I can't hear but it probably is :) There's more Mac stuffs in Wall•E than any other Pixar movies
Wall•E is gorgeous in Blu-ray. Very dark movie but one of the best. Andrew Stanton surprised me (wasn't fan of talkative/pop culture Nemo)
@Gody Juice Pack looks really nice but I prefer a battery that isn't case-based tho. Smaller, future-proof, sharable. And laser built-in :)
Just ordered large box of Wonka Runts. Such an epic candy (strawberry ftw.) If you dislike Runts, something's wrong with your teeth :P
@stroughtonsmith Yeah 't' is awkward but it's likely they're going to add support for Pownce, etc and need a differentiator ahead in time
@stroughtonsmith Why the hate for Twinkle 1.3? I've tried it and it doesn't look too bad. Landscape mode was very unexpected but still cool
Using wrong wallpapers will subconsciously affect my productivity. Sad =/
@RightOn @macguitar Quick Google search found this iPhone Dock Extender Cable which should work with the battery:
@macguitar Yeah definitely snappable. I have org. Richard Solo battery and I get nervous when handling it. Need a connector cable badly
Very sexy iPhone battery – And, Laser pointer built-in = INSTANT BUY!
@wilshipley Haha I felt the same way sometime so I try to play games only during late night before my bedtime at 3am
@dlanham They're screaming "I want to be an iPhone wallpaper!" Get on it David :)
Incredible news. Congrats Obama!
@RobertBlack Of course everyone know it's composited but it doesn't mean that it isn't cool/innovative. Esp. the way they rotate around them
Too much tension. Not healthy. Gonna eat ricecakes and insert Resistance 2 blu-ray disc.
@phillryu Wow I totally missed that hologram. Way cool!
CNN's using some pretty impressive tech. Love the table "hologram" and Magic Wall using Perceptive Pixel tech - demo:
Good to see Jeff Goldblum (org. Mac dude :) back in a big way. Aged quite a bit (mov poster)
Red Sweater Software is in need of part-time designer: - Jalkut is awesome so I'd highly recommend the job
Lesson of the day: don't gargle when your mouth is more than half full of mint mouthwash. I spilled some into my nose and it buurns.


John Gruber teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Corey Marion David Lanham Louie Mantia Mischa McLachlan Tom Stoelwinder Twitterrific Fernando Lins Laurent Baumann Brent Simmons Gus Mueller Adiumy Billable MacRumorsLive Cabel M. Sasser Wolfgang Bartelme Brandon Walkin Wil Shipley Colin Barrett Jonas Rask Daniel Counsell Philipp Antoni Jan Van Boghout Lucas Newman Phillip Ryu Sophia Teutschler Arnold Kim Sebastiaan de With Keith Lang Jorge Brian Amerige Mike Hussein Lee Michael Simmons Cultured Code