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@HamburgStartups will do, pls send dm me your email address, thx
Sending out invite codes, invite codes, invite codes, stay tuned, you get yours if you have asked for one #cellity
@gianouts thanks a lot for promoting the @venturebeat article about @cellity , pls follow me and I send you a private beta invite code
@TEK you are welcome, was great to cu at leweb, would be happy to get your feedback on our addressbook 2.0 after our launch next week
hab mich schon gefragt, wo all die neuen follower herkommen, nur leweb? jetzt weiss ich mehr, danke fürs followen
@schmitz wir sind heute abgesoffen in Anfragen für private beta codes, bis Ende der Woche wollen wir abarbeiten, open beta dann in 5 Tagen
@igorschwarzmann this could be the reason, still there is a good message behind it for any entrepreneur
there was a seesmic workshop at #leweb today, however this would have been much more effective
@BjoernSchotte on the iPhone cellity addressbook 2.0 already works well with your Safari browser, we plan to release an iPhone app in Q1/09
@phogenkamp thanks for your feedback, we will check it tomorrow and reply
cool, @nuws picked up todays @venturebeat story thanks a lot #cellity
@MobileZeitgeist Du bist ja inzwischen fast schon zur Twitterqueen geworden :) #twitteraddictsuntersich
@ernohannink thanks for asking, we could do a video demo of new #cellity over Skype this Friday if you like
@chefoptimist thanks for your positive feedback on cellity addressbook 2.0
@ripanti cellity was on a panel at @leweb 2007
@casidevotee thanks for testing cellity, would love to get your feedback
@prcdv I will reply to any feedback from our users and test users as fast as I can and we will try to fix any bug quickly, thanks @garyvee
@pvesterbacka would love to hear more about Slush 2009, could you send me a link?
@pjozefak enjoyed your company and flying back together with @larshinrichs @danielahinrichs and @christinest , cu tomorrow
@jonas28 ich werde ab sofort @garyvee als Vorbild nehmen, er antwortet auf jede mail und jede dm sofort, phantastisch!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Blaine Cook veen Chris Sacca Colin Schlüter Wayne Sutton Ross Beau om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson adam PhoneBoy Jeff Bonforte DJ Chuang Scott Beale Oren Michels nicolas guyon Dominik Schwind palmsolo Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Nikolaj Nyholm Moe Tim Bonnemann Elliott Ng Alper Çugun
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