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we were working for 2 years for getting this message out:
#leweb i dont no what is more difficult: get funding for a company or get decent & enough food at leweb
#leweb conference used to be a mortury. coincidence? it's freezing cool, even the food is only cold. compare: last year hot fois gras.
#leweb crowd is kind of nervous, everyone is talks about the crisis but knowbody knows what will happen. 50% deadpool.
reality check or hyper inflation? just ordered a taxi it costs 9euros + the regular fare. dinner with @durin l8ter @martinvars
arrived in paris and very tres chic hotel. no key, no card just use your finger print to open your room. black toilet paper. thats paris
Leaving today for Paris with LH4264 Who else will join @danielahinrichs and me on the plane? Looking forward to an awesome LeWeb @loiclemeur
This years Xmas Donation: We ask our collegues & business partners to give somehting and XING takes 50%, too
@encz thanks very much for hosting us at the london bloomberg office. actually bloomberg offices are world class design objects. fish, lots!
xing is a windmill (started in nuclear internet winter 2003) and will again build a windmill in the middle of the upcoming storm. lets see!
"When the wind of change blows, some build shelters to protect themselves and others build wind mills and become rich." Old Chinese saying
today roadshow with deutsche bank in london. top class investor meetings
Met with new Editor-in-Chief of Hamburger Abendblatt. This guy is really driving full speed ahead, creating the "Norddeutsche" Zeitung! wow!
I begin to understand what Lisa thinks and feels:
retwittering: @andreipetrik: refering to this article puts my mind at ease & @delay1 Viagra=Bailout. Cool fbck
Is there somehting like a economic viagra out there? Twitter Followers what do you think? Looking forward to hear your thoughts on this.
it feels right now like golden 20s, nobody realizes and keeps spending. If CH & IN stops growing at 7-9% a world wide collaps is possible.
Everybody is now taking about recession. it's there and obvious. In the normal cycle the follow up is deflation:
red carpet event in offenburg. in fact YGL meeting, playing with a google phone
#xing #iphone #dance have fun! great work tammo! feedback to please


Evan Williams om Kathy Johnson Jeff Bonforte Oren Michels Tim Bonnemann Bradley Horowitz Mike Butcher jimbo wales Oliver Gassner Tim Bradshaw Jemima Kiss Nicole Simon Hendrik Mans Kevin Rose Joi Ito Rodrigo SEPULVEDA Loic Le Meur Pierre Omidyar martin varsavsky Bjoern Ognibeni Duncan Riley Christian Jung Barack Obama Rafe Needleman Heiko Hebig Wolfgang Lünenbürger Kevin Werbach Jeff Clavier Nicole Simon (de) Robert Basic Oliver Wagner Bob Stumpel Geraldine Le Meur Thomas Crampton Pete Cashmore
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