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Impatiently waiting for my Apple place to call. I could really use my computer now, what with all the work that needs doing.
So you're telling me I can't change the size the PDF will appear in on paper? Meaning it will never fit if it's too big? Good Lord, Kubuntu!
Which is pretty sad, since it is gorgeous to look at. On the other hand, if it doesn't save edits to my tasks, who cares about the looks?
*sigh* After two days without my MacBook I'm considering switching back from Things to OmniFocus again. The iPhone App is so slow and buggy.
Working on a server without having logs available is like operating on a patient and the only information being "he's alive" and "he's dead"
Yes, they have their own server. No, they won't install PostgreSQL. The moment of this revelation: the day before launch.
The MacBook's fan went "clickety-clack", it's at least a week till it'll be back.
Was Janning nicht weiß ist, dass unser Kochlehrer Frodo (ja genau) die Rose gemacht hat. Frodo hat geschwindelt!
Janning sagt, ich soll sagen, dass ich eine Tomatenrose gemacht habe.
Christmas party at the office. Moving on to the exciting main event soon. We're taking a cooking class. Yay, food!
Whoah, Google Reader looks different. It's too late in the evening for this kind of change!
It's amazing how many things I can talk my boss out off just by mentioning that "we should buy a Mac for that".
Just congratulated a coworker. Might be his birthday. Or maybe it was just because it's Thursday.
Building a Webclip icon for
Rewriting reference file management to be entirely database reliant. As of now this app doesn't have any file storage on the harddrive.
Stupid MySQL server connection is not working. Nothing's working. Life is futile. I think I'll pay some kid to cut themselves on my behalf.
The Dark Cherry Chocolate Latte is as awesome as it is strange tasting.
Deleting my Pownce account.
Huh, since the last QuickTIme update my MacBook has had serious probems drawing images. Hope they fix that soon.
Things doesn't like moving 200+ tasks all that much. Or managing projects with that many tasks inside for that matter.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Dunstan Chris Wetherell veen Buzz Andersen Jessica Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Erika Hall Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Susan Scrupski John Pastor Chaitanya Sagar i heart quotes Justine l.m. orchard Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Kitta Philip Campbell Tantek Çelik Hickensian Colin Devroe Jesse!  C.C. Chapman VictoriaC  Chris Heuer Mickipedia Robert Scoble
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