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give me strength
at talk on new RSPB reserve at Middleton Lakes, nr Tamworth. It's going to be fantastic there!
@star_one u r just jealous.
I just joined the web gurus Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
I just joined the journalists Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@star_one @azeem_a @marcreeves Nor me - my profile says I'm in "Birmingham, England", as are others, it does pick up. 'snotfair!
@stephenfry [continues] ...why not oblige her?
@stephenfry On #radio4 last night Leonie Watson, of the British Comp. Assoc. of the Blind said her ideal Xmas gift would be dinner with you.
Whoot! I now have more followers than followees (as befits a "web guru"!)
I have tons of new followers in the last two days, no doubt thanks to being on @aeioux's list: Hello to you all!
@Twitter I get an e-mail when someone new follows me, but not an "@" tweet or a DM. Why not? Please fix it. kthksbai #twitter
@strix_aluco Agile working in a nutshell: Hot-desking; home-working; mobile comms.
Crikey! I'm a "web guru"! Thanks @aeioux
I have just received a "419" scam e-mail, addressed to " Dear Prominent User of the Internet".
@Twitter Why does your navigational chrome disappear when I view an individual tweet? fix it, please. #twitter #annoyance
@bounder BMI? Carrs Lane Church? The West Midland Bird Club have, admittedly, found it very difficult to find rooms at reasonable prices.
Unable to read story in Birmingham Evening Mail website using IE due to multiple, non-synchronised, animated adverts. TGF Firefox & AdBlock+


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