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couple last stops for the party tonight then off to bigfoot early to do shots with the caterer
Only semi successfully shopping....yet quite successfully spending money
this year's can't fail yankee swap theme: as seen on tv....stoked.
intrigued. barry just started a sentence with..."i have a great sugar ray story"
The coup at HOB with good friend julie and new friend dante
Why does verizon have such ugly phones : (
wrapping up at work, going to head home and check in on how the family back east is holding up
lunch break of time mgmt seminar...already the bad quadrant jokes have begun
spaghetti cat, i weep for you
At the hair salon which is full of guys whose wives/GFs are making them get a pre-holiday cut
love that rain pouring down!!!
looong busy day....getting ready to head home and relax
mapping business processes....every bit as sexy as it sounds
introducing rory to the new accts corner friday customs
watching barry show a wasp who's boss
best thing to happen today...check engine light mysteriously turned off on my car. that means it fixed itself, right?
crafting and OG emo mix to get me through the morning....TITR, sunny day, jawbreaker, promise ring, etc
@jasonfisher it's called veterans day
yeah kelly clarkson. i love fridays
'k i know the election is over but this is f'ing great....i'm going to pretend this is real: