Nate Koechley’s Favorites

Mike Stenhouse
mikesten Back to the hotel to pack then straight to the bus. A most excellent night out. Ambient violence but great company.
Mike Stenhouse
mikesten Everyone has piled back to someone's flat to hang out, drink and chat. It's the Icelandic way apparently. Really good fun.
Bryce Glass
soldierant Wow. These guys really brought flickr to their knees.
Stephen Woods
ysaw I had a dream that there was a YUI bacon utility. Bacon in the browser. @natekoechley, @davglass, could you guys get on that?
gesman I think bright people at Y! should form a Co and file IPO. YUI team is the first candidate
Matt Hall
ogsy Took a look at YUI - very impressive although I'm still slightly terrified that the world is starting to run on javascript.
StandardPixel is...
Tobie Langel
tobie Ran the first cajoled Prototype unit tests today. The Caja team just did an awesome job.
David Lewis
dkplewis Feeling quite chuffed at having successfully used the YUI TabView to produce a nifty interface.
Jakob Heuser
jakobo YUI 3 is sporting a flash transport layer for XDR. Incredibly well done too!
benny sudaryanto
thebennies YUI 3.0 read read and read.
bcox773 finished programming his first (and modest) YUI based interface. Getting the hang of it, and I already prefer it to Prototype.
coffywoman also. reiterating love for YUI. maked things so much easier.
David Dorward
dorward Five minutes of JQuery and I'm missing YUI already.
Walter Higgins
walter All those empty promises of developer productivity Microsoft make in their ads in Dr. Dobbs Journal? YUI deliver on those promises.
Guy Kawasaki
guykawasaki @zastone 20s have more time than money. Midlifers have more money than time. 30s have neither.
Orli Yakuel
Orli FriendFeed Finder - Find out if your Twitter Friends are on FriendFeed:
Guy Carberry
guyweb @natekoechley the grids are very logical and easy to understand. The layout microformat nicely abstracts the structure from design.


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