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sorry, premature twitter ejection. Wanted to say, froggy throated, kinda like it. I sound like a old blue singer.
I have never worked with so many comic book geeks in my life. definately a selling point for Linkedin in my mind.
Yes me and a. No idea p.
I want chcolate covered bacon right now.
@jmspool @hemmons @blinkdaddy hi! We at Linkedin events know we've got "add event" issues. can you wait one week to submit? fixes coming!
@livlab no deciosions re asilomar. Could use some help scheming. really want a tool that lets people vote on what weekend.
@austingovella I'm sorry to hear that. I had the same with an aunt not long ago. it hurts. and hurts.
@jowyang re yahoo party: retention of talent has got to be a massive problem right now. Not saying the party is the answer, but...
@davemc500hats re "ruthlessly mocking french people" be careful. that's their mating call. personal experience talking.
asymetric follow makes 2.0 work
@jmspool it's funny because I was just wondering, what has ning against porn? nice pofit margins...
should I be afraid that "sincere luv" likes publicsuare and is signing up for three sites?
How's last weekend in janaury sound for the asilomar retreat? fri-sat-sun?
I am feeling mighty instigatey tonight.
philippe rocked the house with seared pork medallions on a mustard cream sause. times like this I'm happy I married french.
BUNNIES! vampire bunnies. ARGH!
@russu apparently not yet....
Hey, we pick a date, and anyone who wants to shows up at asilomar and presents: pretty much unconference 101.


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