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Damn, after two weeks of trying, am going to end up having to buy holiday cards. Bummer.
@urlgirl - it's what I had to do, but you did it first so I knew it could be done. ;)
@urlgirl, @sarahtweetie: epicenter was in some desert town I've never heard of, we feel those because of the mountains. everybody's ok! :)
Ooh, it was a 4.4. Not 45 min. ago I was looking at the moon and the clear afternoon sky thinking "This is earthquake weather". Damn me.
I did such a tidy job of mending the kitty's torn bed that I had to take to the Internet to announce the greatness of my blanket stitch.
It's pretty easy to distract me into looking up every version of Bust a Move on YouTube.
It's storming outside. Makes it feel like my life is changing even though I'm still sitting right here.
A little voice is telling me that I'm going to be mighty ticked off if I don't beat those rainclouds outside and get some wood for a fire.
today, I will be catching up on dishes and raking the leaves that fell on the paths into the beds to put everyone to sleepy bobos for winter now runs on Habari, seasoned with circadian rhythms.
Just harvested a big handful of evening primrose seeds from the creek across the street. Awesome.
Pics of my Ponoko adventure: http://illustrationfriday.c...
I totally Ponokoed.
Four-thirty in the morning and It's hailing!!! Hooray for November!
When Girl Talk mashed up Nirvana and Salt n' Pepa, my cosmic circle of music love was completed.
Can't figure out why I like hardcore rap so much when I blush through each song because the lyrics are full of words I won't say aloud.
I have a sore throat. And I wasn't even yelling at the TV all night last night like some people I could mention.
I grew up hearing about the great political moments of the 60s.I am so proud to witness the greatest political moment of my lifetime tonight
Hello, Chicago.


noah Maggie Mason Caroline vOdB peterme evany Michael Sippey Derek Powazek heather Adam Rakunas Ben Brown Meg Hourihan Andre Torrez maura Nick Sweeney Andy Baio photomatt Justin Hall Greg Storey Anil Dash miss violet Jeffrey Zeldman Vonster jessamyn west Dean Cameron Allen AB Chao Joshua Green Allen Adaptive Path WordPress Magdalena Donea Joi Ito hotdogsladies Matt Haughey leah peterson Lance Arthur John Halcyon Styn Pete Cashmore