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its too early to have plumbers coming over. Need to work.
the Hyves iPhone app is really buggy and crashy.
looks like somethings boiling in India again... Delhi this time? Let's hope it's a false alarm.
@arnoudhaverlag and me just scored a free crate of beer. Win!
YouTube's new main navigation looks like ass.
the kitchen floor is still a stuck mess. Need to drill out uneven concrete which really sucks. Lots of noise, dust and endurance...
@StephanGeyer Utrecht Graduate School of Art and Technology ->
<3 good client feedback. Now it's time to do some painting.
It's quite hard to work with a kitty in my lap. -
found a couple of nasty bugs in CS4.
@jvwissen yeah. My kitchen's technology is so high end I made myself sign an NDA.
just received a fat NDA. Always fun >_<
yay @imogenheap is following me back. If you haven't heard of her... Google. She's fantastic!
@jvwissen yeah they nuked the front porch to get everything inside ;)
working from home. Designing with people drilling is not really comfortable, but they've made great progress on the kitchen.
I'm at Nachtwachtlaan 367, 1058 Amsterdam (Nachtwachtlaan 367, 1058 Amsterdam, The Netherlands) -


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