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Off to the airport...
@soulsurfer88 mostly choosing some of the cool examples of new businesses and providing a framework to understand them
@soulsurfer88 I'll probably talk about changes in technology -> changes in behavior -> potential for products and services with ex ......
Noodling on my Le Web talk...
Blackberry deleted email app when I was trying to delete IM app. How do I restore it? (I don't have a windows machine with me)
Back in Tokyo. On my way to the Loftwork office.
Waiting for sunrise at The House of Light in Niigata
BoingBoingTV meets, Silicon Valley meets Akihabara with Storm Trooper and Darth Vader. Video:
@jpdefillippo one thing putting a damper on my photos is that LightRoom/Adobe doesn't understand the RAW files from the 5DM2 yet
@gullevek it works fine on my smaller calendars... My current one is probably too big and timing out. Starting a new one 1/1/09
Google supporting iCal sync, but it fails on my main big calendar... still have to use Spanning Sync, which has time zone issues for me
@mikamika59 took me maybe 2 hours to edit and make the music this time... I'm getting a bit faster.
@davidgeller yeah... focus is manual. At f/1.2 it's sort of hit or miss...
Did another video yesterday... experimented with shooting people and syncing "music"
Just got a stomach endoscopy, CT, MRI, ultrasonic scan, influenza shot, eye & eye pressure test, blood test. Like an old car in a pit stop..
Made another video today... this time in the city:
Editing video takes a lot longer than post-processing photos...
At Yokohama city personal information protection inquiry committee meeting
@KevinBaird Interesting. Hadn't heard about the "jello" effect. I was shooting pretty simple shots. Will try it out at night soon.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams sara Jason Goldman Jason Shellen danah boyd Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Richard Ault Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Michael Parekh Adam Hertz Scott Beale thomasknoll Jon Bohlinger Dave Winer GregElin Derek Powazek joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Caterina Jyri Engeström Jason Fields Petteri Koponen Zack Rosen Nelson Minar Stowe Boyd Heath Row Emily Chang
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