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Who here is upset Tebow didn't win the Heisman?
In Dulles on my way home - proud to be an American - again
Who can be mad at a man who put on a conference about Love? 2 couples became engaged, so what if the Wifi sucked. We had love in the air!
@johnbattelle you call Twitting = thinking?
@Scobleizer Oh Guy gets things done all right. I guess the issue would be - is that the sort of thing that needs to get done?
@pajamasceo like how to fucking reboot it?
@gwachob THE Thomas Knoll of Photoshop fame?
finally figured out how to reboot my iPhone
my iPhone is locked up - isn't there a way to pull the battery out and reboot it?
in Antwerp now
over 150 mph now - through the French countryside - great wifi on the Thalys
on the Thalys from Paris->Amsterdam - great wifi - time to get caught up
gotta pick up some dresses at Gallerie Lafayette before heading up to Amsterdam. Pitching Werner Woegels on two-way APIs on the train.
Lets all get along together LeWeb8 rocked. Off to Amsterdam.
Check out this ustream Video: Platform Love: Getting Along - Panel

huh - I guess I'm not American enough to meet the US Ambassador
put out some fires back home, back to prepping for panel - it'll be webcast live in 8 hours from now.
just had a great meal at the Buddha Bar with a bunch of Microsoft folks and Doc. Now prepping for my panel tomorrow morning


Mary Hodder Thomas Vander Wal Dave Morin Dave Winer Ian Forrester Dina debs Yoz Bradley Horowitz Euan Semple Ben Cerveny Jon Husband Robert Scoble irina slutsky Paolo Valdemarin Boris Abhishek Baxi dotBen Hugh MacLeod Ton Zijlstra Jemima Kiss Denise Howell Loic Le Meur Raines Cohen Amy Jo Kim Tom Raftery Yme Bosma Robert Scoble Julian Bond Fred Wilson judith meskill Adriana Lukas Steve Gillmor Marco Zamperini dan farber Cathy