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I like when EA has positive press :)
OK, the vampire south park episode was amazing. Havn't seen one that amusing in a while.
The new apt is sooooo quiet compared to my apt on market; it's awesome.
Dear companies don't label a field 'username' when you want an email address. You make baby jesus cry.
@CariLawton I picked the first open place. Turned out to be a pizza shop. :) was shooting for a Vietnamese place but it was closed.
Heading out to try a random eatery.
@Bob so that's where I left that! You can return it to me on Tuesday.
Air bed acquired!
Why does all the pizza delivery places here blow? I'm going through Avers/Pizza Express withdrawal and I can't find anything good.
Might go to a killers concert this week if people want to go, I don't dig on going to stuff alone unless it's amazing.
@ceeller Skype is great now, it used to be terrible. I use it to chat with my wife all the time.
Heading to inner Richmond to see a woman about buying an air bed. Then headed down to the apt in Belmont with another load of boxes. Wheee.
Back home, kinda drunk. Contemplating doing serious business or just passing out.
Found a few coworkers. Yay.
Got a good buzz but I can't find any coworkers. Wish Jenn was here I'm sure she would eat this up.
@gwachob yea it's a common thing to have to explain. :)
@gwachob I always have been. EA owns many smaller studios and rupture is one of them. No different from say working at Maxis.
The EA holiday party is ridiculous in a good way.
Hanging in Belmont, doing laundry


Bob Ross Kirsten Jones Veronica Belmont Gabe Wachob Liz Henry Zachery Bir Corey the Sysop Joi Ito Scott Kurtz Aubrey Scott Johnson Chris Dent Kevin Makice Barack Obama Matt Liggett Matthew O'Connor Socialtext Luke Closs Kevin Jones Tony Bowden Shawn Devlin Chris Kampmeier Paul Visscher Cari Lawton Wil Wheaton Jenn Fite phil f Marc Lavallee Jonathan Coulton Julie Anand Pandit Jason Cook Peter Kaminski fredrin Holly Adams