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Up too late. Thinking too much. Par for the course.
Hadn't listened to Warren Zevon in forever. Heard one of his tunes on Californication yesterday and now I can't stop.
Samy's actually came through for once. They had the LP-E6 battery I couldn't find elsewhere.
Trying out Stetic in Monodevelop. Things have gotten much nicer than they used to be in *nix GUI development.
Getting through small mountian of emails I need to get out. Feels nice in a mundane sort of way.
@ryangoodman You've had long enough to gloat. Now it's my turn. You can expect the gloating to last for a long, long time.
Yet another round of gear for the trip. Travel pouch, belts, and some new Merrells. And a filter for my new lens, FTW.
Also feeling massively thankful that my new Canon 5D Mark II arrived today. Been waiting for this kit for a year. So excited.
Feeling massively thankful that @joestump has friends who will be in Thailand before we will. Potential crisis averted.
Rear tire went from "kinda flat" to "torn" en route to put air in it. Hello AAA!
Setting up new personal blog. Getting WP Supercache all happy with Nginx has been an informative process.
First run with Lightroom tonight. Should have done this a long time ago.
Late night fun checking out the Webkit enabled Epiphany build. Fairly impressed thus far considering how young the project is.
Breakfast at French Market with @jcinis. Been far too long.
http://hotchickswithdoucheb... ... if you haven't alrady seen the awesomeness.
Friday night with no plans. Rather happy about this.
Damn you REI for being so full of things I want!
@tbrodahl it has tuna salad, tomatoes, and some kinda sweet crap. And toasted bread.
In case anybody is curious, the Venus sandwich from Cafe Medeterina in Venice beach is delicious.
Sorta sad how much of a treat a diet Coke feels like these days


Dan Cederholm Cal Henderson Jeremy Keith Mike Chambers Derek Featherstone Dan Rubin Andy Budd Jeffrey Zeldman Trammell Michael Jones John Resig Adrian Holovaty Jessey White-Cinis Joe Stump Ryan Sims Brad Matt Rubin Stephen Hallgren Miguelito Buzzard Thomas Brodahl rockerBOO Demian Sellfors Guy Virb Arlo Nate Jones Josh Barratt ryangoodman