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New Post: Never Screw with the Meter Reader:
New Post: Coming to you Cryogenically From the Albany Zoo
OK My Eyes R closing w/out taking my body w/ them. I'm gonna go burn something 2 keep warm. C U all 2morrow if keyboard doesn't freeze
@NoReinsGirl yes in part. The Manufacturer of the kits was Grey Davis' nephew...
@NoReinsGirl There were already too many rattlesnakes in the desert. Sacramento was all that was left.
@RickHorowitz I will admit it did make me pause when thinking of running several years ago.
@RickHorowitz Jackets Scarves Hoodie, Leather Jacket, Gloves, IT is #$%^ freezing here. Why the hell did we put a state capital here???
I am in Albany NY Freezing my Cannoli off!!
I hope the 2 jerk salesmen who put luggage carts in their rm at my hotel 4 a quik Ckout lose their sale & their Co. goes under owing them $$
I don't know what is wrong with tweet deck it has been doing weird things
I just got two
Yes. they are coming in now
RT @AlexaRPD: @audaciaray Never given that much thought. It would save a lot of time on my part, tho. hmm.
@gideonstrumpet Forget it Clarence, it is only for us "Marketers" :))
RT @Rex7: I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@RickHorowitz When the MUTHA's think they'll get more Gov't $. They capitalize on Fear & a nation that forgets how security don't = freedom
@rawdawgbuffalo Heard you on Blogtalk. Send me your feed so I can add you to my Opera Feed Thx


Kevin Melissa Gira Grant Denise Howell Tom Mighell Jim Milles Lynne d Johnson Mike Wasylik Jay Fleischman Darren Rowse Andrew Flusche Chris McKinney Robert A Kraft Dennis Kennedy NY TImes: National Vinod Shankar Helene Lucas Newcomer Peter Shankman Xavier Beauchamp-T Michael Crosson karen Edward Walters Amber Rhea Joni Mueller Edward Adams Paul Jahn Kimberly Winnington Jason Eiseman Evan Brown Sheba + Rio (+Tim) Mr. Skin BrettTrout Ro (Lilyhill) Audacia Ray Aaron Dickey Elizabeth Weinstein
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