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"Why people hate Krauthammer" is more accurate. He's among the most blindly partisan, which is what ppl hate most.
Auto bailout, retail sales both collapse. Happy Friday!
Pay-Rod's approval rating 7%. Bush does happy dance that someone has lower numbers than him for breaker fewer laws
@Chris1051 I would, but I don't have vision insurance. Help me Tommy Daschle!
Tommy D needs new glasses. I know he's smart and capable, but it's hard to take him seriously b/c he looks a little Harry Potter-ish.
No her first name ain't baby. It's Lisa. Miss Jackson if you're not carbon neutral.
Get your votes and nominations in for the Shorty Awards.
PEOTUS presser today for TommyD's HHS nod and take q's about Pay-Rod. Don't think we'll hear "I'm rubber he's glue," but it could be close.
GOP pissed about the auto bailout. Me too, but they should STFU their indignation. God forbid some blue collars get to keep their jobs.
McCain made JoetheP feel dirty. If he only realized that he is a golden shower of idiocy.
Gov. Pay-Rod kills me, calling Obama a motherfucker and "I wanna get fuckin' paid!" It's like a MadTV Sopranos parody.
Now here's a bailout I could support. A world without video roulette and caveman keno is not one I want to live in
Let this be a lesson for all you guys out there. Wide stance = no second chance.
The Smoke & Mirrors Farewell Tour continues, complete with a rider of insane and unreasonable requests.
Way to go, Gov. Pay-Rod. No wonder it was taking you so long to pick someone. CYAing all that cash and favors surely is time-consuming.
BS buzzterm of the day: car czar. Just bail them out already, so they can analyze how we got screwed sideways and then we can move on.
Off the grid for nearly 3 days to find the universe has changed little. No jobs, no $, no homes, Obama press conferences, Bush dumb, bailout
Economic shitstorm every which way: Record jobs lost in Nov. and $9 billion in the red on the bank bailout. Help us Caroline Kennedy!
Bush feels bad about the automakers, but not so bad they can have any of Paulson's walking around $ for the banks.
The hot new thing: your own economist, kind of like a nanny or chef. Soon Brangelina will announce they have one.


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