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A Guide to Finding Business Information at the Library of Congress

IV. The Service Industries

The Business Reading Room reference collection contains a number of standard directories for these fields, as well as professional technical guides and handbooks.


                        General Works

Advertising age. -- [Chicago, Ill.] : Crain Communications. --
   Business Reading Room, Current Journals

         Special issues (see chapter 3) appear on the fourth week
in January and the fourth week in September. Includes articles
about advertising campaigns, agency appointments, and government
actions affecting advertising and marketing.

Advertising age yearbook. -- Chicago, IL : Crain Books. -- Annual.


NTC's dictionary of advertising / Jack G. Wiechmann. -- 2nd ed. --
Lincolnwood, Ill., USA : National Textbook Co. -- ix, 222 pp.
                                                   HF5803.W54 1993

Standard-W”rterbuch f�r Werbung, Massenmedien und Marketing,
Deutsch-Englisch / Wolfgang J. Koschnick. -- Berlin ; New York : W.
de Gruyter, 1987. -- 590 pp.
                                                   HF5803.K67 1987

         Title on added title page: Standard Dictionary of
Advertising, Mass Media, and Marketing, German-English.


Standard directory of advertisers. -- Skokie [Ill.] : National
Register Pub. Co. -- Annual.
                                                HF5805.S7 Ref Desk

Standard directory of advertising agencies. -- Skokie, Ill. [etc.]
: National Register Publishing Co. -- Annual.
                                               HF5805.S72 Ref Desk

Standard directory of international advertisers & agencies. --
Wilmette, IL : National Register Pub. Co. -- Annual.


Handbook of small business advertising / Michael Anthony. --
Reading, MA : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1981. -- xii, 207 pp. : ill.


Choosing an advertising agency / William M. Weilbacher. -- Chicago,
IL : Crain Books, c1983. -- x, 170 pp.
                                                   HF6178.W45 1983



Dictionary of banking terms / by Thomas P. Fitch; consulting
editors Irwin Kellner, Donald G. Simonson, Ben Weberman. -- 2nd ed.
-- New York : Barron's, c1993. -- vi, 697 pp. : ill. -- (Barron's
business guides).
                                                    HG151.F57 1993

Dictionary of banking and financial services / Jerry M. Rosenberg.
-- 2nd ed. -- New York : Wiley, c1985. -- xv, 708 pp.
                                                    HG151.R67 1985

         Bibliography: pp. 706-708.

Banking terminology -- 3rd ed. -- Washington, D.C. : Education
Policy & Development, American Bankers Association, c1989. -- vii,
409 pp.
                                                   HG151.B268 1989

Dictionary of finance and investment terms / John Downes, Jordan
Elliot Goodman. -- 3rd ed. -- New York : Barron's, c1991. -- vi,
537 pp. : ill.
                                                    HG151.D69 1991


         The Business Reading Room has a large collection of
directories, published by the Sheshunoff Company, that present
various configurations and analyses of banks, bank holding
companies, and savings and loan association financial data, with
individual volumes for each state or region.  These are shelved
together in the HG section of the Business Reading Room.

Polk's financial institutions directory. North American section. 
-- Nashville, Tenn. : R.L. Polk. -- Semiannual.

Polk's world bank directory. -- International ed. -- Nashville,
Tenn. : R.L. Polk. -- Annual.

Thomson bank directory. -- Skokie, IL : Thomson Financial Pub. --

The Bankers' almanac. -- West Sussex, England : Reed Information
Services. -- Semiannual.

         British emphasis, international banks, officers,

American bank directory. -- Norcross, Ga. : McFadden Business
Publications. -- Semiannual.

Moody's bank and finance manual.  -- [New York] : Moody's Investors

         Updated by the semi-weekly: Moody's Bank & Finance. News
Reports.  Provides financial information, ranked list of companies.

Financial yellow book. -- New York, NY : Monitor Pub. Co. --
                                                 HG65.F52 Ref Desk

         A detailed listing of officers and executives of leading
U.S. financial institutions.

Thomson savings directory. -- Skokie, IL : Thomson Financial Pub.
-- Semiannual.

Directory of American savings and loan associations. -- Baltimore
: T.K. Sanderson Organization.

                       Periodical Indexes

American Bankers Association banking literature index. --
Washington, D.C. : The Association. -- Monthly, with semi-annual
                                                      Z7164.F5 A53

American banker index. -- Ann Arbor, MI : University Microfilms
                                                   HG1501.A52 B44a


Financial compound interest and annuity tables / computed under
editorial supervision of Charles H. Gushee. -- 5th ed. -- Boston
[1970]. -- xiii, 884 pp. -- (Financial Publishing Company ; no.
                                                   HG1634.F46 1970

Instant mortgage-equity : extended tables of overall rates / Irvin
E. Johnson. -- Lexington, Mass. : Lexington Books, c1980. -- viii,
454 pp. : ill. -- (Lexington Books special series in real estate
and urban land economics).

Monthly payment direct reduction loan amortization schedules. --
Boston : Financial Pub. Co.

Thorndike encyclopedia of banking and financial tables / by David
Thorndike. -- 3rd ed. -- Boston : Warren, Gorham & Lamont, c1987.
-- 1737 pp. in various pagings.
                                                   HG1626.T49 1987


         Reader interest in consulting organizations is growing
more rapidly than sources on the subject.  The Business Reading
Room reference collection holds the following directories and

Consultants and consulting organizations directory. -- Detroit,
Mich. : Gale Research Co. -- Annual.
                                             HD69.C6 C647 Ref Desk

         Indexes are arranged by geographic area, activities,
personal name, and consulting firm name.

Directory of management consultants / compiled and published by
Consultants News. -- Fitzwilliam, N.H. : Consultants News.
                                              HD69.C6 D55 Ref Desk

         Lists more than 1,500 firms alphabetically.  Entries are
indexed by services, industries served, geography, and key officers
of the firms.

Dun's consultants directory / Dun's Marketing Services. -- --
Parsippany, N.J. : The Service. -- Annual.
                                              HD69.C6 D86 Ref Desk

         Includes information about the 25,000 largest consulting
firms in the U.S. Consultants are listed alphabetically and indexed
geographically by consulting activities.

Bradford's directory of marketing research agencies and management
consultants in the United States and the world. -- Middleburg, Va.
: Bradford's Directory of Marketing Research Agencies. -- Biennial.
                                                      HF5415.A2 B7


Become a top consultant : how the experts do it / Ron Tepper. --
New York : Wiley, c1985. -- xx, 243 pp. : ill.
                                                  HD69.C6 T46 1985

Management consulting : a guide to the profession / edited by Milan
Kubr. -- 2nd rev. ed. -- Geneva : International Labour Office,
1986. -- xv, 611 pp. : ill.
                                                  HD69.C6 M36 1986

The Consultant's proposal, fee, and contract problem-solver / Ron
Tepper. -- New York, N.Y. : J. Wiley, c1993. -- vii, 245 pp. : ill.
                                                 HD69.C6 T473 1993

                       CORPORATE FINANCE

                         General Works

Corporate cash management : techniques and analysis / edited by
Frank J. Fabozzi and Leslie N. Masonson. -- Homewood, Ill. : Dow
Jones-Irwin, c1985. -- xv, 373 pp. : ill.
                                               HG4028.C45 C58 1985

         Includes bibliographical references.

Elements of financial analysis / Sylvan D. Schwartzman, Richard E.
Ball. -- 2nd ed. -- New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1984. -- xi,
247 pp. : ill.
                                                   HG4026.S36 1984

         Bibliography: pp. 237-239.

Techniques of financial analysis / Erich A. Helfert. -- 8th ed. --
Burr Ridge, Ill. : Irwin, c1994. -- xv, 608 pp. : ill.
                                                   HG4026.H44 1994

         Includes bibliographical references.

Analysis for financial management / Robert C. Higgins. -- 3rd ed.
-- Homewood, IL : Business One Irwin, c1992. -- xi, 387 pp. : ill.
                                                  HG4026.H496 1992

         Includes bibliographical references.


The Corporate finance bluebook. -- New York, N.Y. : Zehring Pub.
                                            HG4057.A15647 Ref Desk

         Lists firms providing financial services, as well as
financial officers of corporations.

The Corporate finance sourcebook. -- New York : McGraw-Hill Book
                                             HG4057.A1565 Ref Desk

         A comprehensive directory of firms engaged in all aspects
of financial business, national and international. Sources of
financing are arranged by industry, geographic areas, and method of


Handbook of financial markets and institutions / edited by Edward
I. Altman ; associate editor Mary Jane McKinney. -- 6th ed. -- New
York : Wiley, c1987. -- 1197 pp. in various pagings. : ill. --
(Wiley professional banking and finance series).
                                                    HG173.H33 1987

         Includes bibliographies.

How to read a financial report : wringing vital signs out of the
numbers / John A. Tracy. -- 4th ed. -- New York : Wiley, c1994. --
168 pp. : ill.
                                               HF5681.B2 T733 1994

         Includes bibliographical references.

Understanding a company's finances : a graphic approach / W.R.
Purcell, Jr. -- 1st Barnes & Noble Books ed. -- New York : Barnes
& Noble Books, 1983, c1981. -- vi, 143 pp. : ill.
                                                 HG4028.B2 P8 1983

How to analyze businesses, financial statements, and the quality of
earnings / Joel G. Siegel. -- 2nd ed. -- Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :
Prentice Hall, c1991. -- xxiii, 266 pp.
                                              HF5681.B2 S4875 1991

         Includes bibliographical references.

The CFO's handbook / edited by Richard F. Vancil assisted by
Marianne D'Amico and Benjamin R. Makela. -- Homewood, Ill. : Dow
Jones-Irwin, c1986. -- xxxiii, 642 pp. : ill.
                                                 HG4027.3.C46 1986

         Includes bibliographical references.

The Handbook of international financial management / editor, Robert
Z. Aliber. -- Homewood, Ill. : Dow Jones-Irwin, c1989. -- xvii, 859
pp. : ill.
                                                  HG3881.H267 1989

         Gives profiles of international lending agencies. 
Includes bibliographies.

Handbook of annotated financial forms / Robert P. Vichas. --
Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall, c1981. -- 960 pp. : ill.
                                                     HG174.V5 1981

                     DIRECT MAIL MARKETING

The Directory of mail order catalogs. -- New York, N.Y. : Grey
House Pub. : Facts on File.

Mail order business directory : a complete guide to the mail order
market. -- Coral Springs, Fla. : B. Klein Publications.

Direct marketing list source. -- Wilmette, IL : Standard Rate &
Data Service. -- Monthly.

         Mailing-list brokers and services directory.

The lead generation handbook / Bernard A. Goldberg. -- Yardley, PA
: Direct Marketing Publishers, c1992. -- vi, 838 pp. : ill.
                                                  HF5415.G586 1992

                        EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT

The Directory of executive recruiters. -- Fitzwilliam, N.H. :
Consultants news. -- Annual.
                                         HF5549.5.R44 D58 Ref Desk

         This guide is designed for businesses seeking professional
assistance in filling key positions.  Material is arranged by
method of payment (retainer or contingency), by geographical area,
and by alphabetical list of key principal officers of recruiting

Career shifting : starting over in a changing economy / William
Charland, Jr. -- Holbrook, Mass. : Bob Adams, Inc., c1993. -- 235
                                                   HF5384.C48 1993

         Includes bibliographical references.

The Portable executive : building your own job security from
corporate dependency to self-direction / John A. Thompson with
Catharine A. Henningsen. -- New York : Simon & Schuster, c1995. --
267 pp.
                                               HD38.25.U6 T48 1995

         Includes bibliographical references (pp. 249-250).


                        General Works

         The Business Reading Room contains an extensive selection
of insurance reference sources. Researchers who need more
assistance than is provided in standard bibliographies and LC's
catalogs are urged to contact the College of Insurance Library, One
Insurance Plaza, 101 Murray Street, New York, New York 1007,
telephone 212-962-4111 (assistance available after 12 noon

         The special (vertical) file in the Business Reading Room
contains a folder on insurance publisher, A.M. Best & Co.  Within
the folder is a pamphlet that describes and explains all of Best's
numerous reference sources. 

General insurance / David L. Bickelhaupt. -- 11th ed. -- Homewood,
Ill. : R.D. Irwin, 1983. -- xxi, 989 pp. : ill. -- (The Irwin
series in insurance and economic security).
                                                   HG8051.B44 1983

         Includes bibliographical references.

National underwriter profiles. Property/casualty insurers. --
Cincinnati, Ohio : National Underwriter Co. -- Annual. --
(Continues: Argus F.C. & S. chart).

         Provides financial information on fire, casualty, and
surety insurance; company rankings.

Property and liability insurance / S.S. Huebner, Kenneth Black,
Jr., Robert S. Cline. -- 3rd ed. -- Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :
Prentice-Hall, c1982. -- xxvi, 630 pp. -- (The Prentice-Hall series
in security and insurance).
                                                    HG8051.H7 1982
         Includes bibliographies.


Running Press glossary of insurance language / Marianne T. Keim. --
Philadelphia : Running Press, c1978. -- 91 pp.

Glossary of insurance terms / edited by Thomas E. Green, and The
Merritt Company Editorial Staff. -- 5th ed. -- Santa Monica, Calif.
: Merritt Co., c1993. -- vii, 276 pp. : ill.
                                                   HG8025.M37 1993

Dictionary of insurance / Lewis E. Davids. -- 7th rev. ed. --
Savage, Md. : Littlefield, Adams Quality Paperbacks, c1990. -- xii,
504 pp.
                                                    HG8025.D3 1989

Witherby's dictionary of insurance / by Hugh Cockerell. -- 1st ed.
-- London : Witherby, 1980. -- vii, 235 pp.

         A British dictionary.


Best's agents guide. Life-health. -- Oldwick, N.J. : A.M. Best Co.
-- Annual.

Best's insurance reports, life-health. -- 1st- ed. -- Morristown,
N.J. [etc.] : A.M. Best Co. [etc.].

Best's insurance reports, property-casualty. -- Oldwick, N.J. :
A.M. Best Co. -- Annual.

         Analyzes over thirty-six hundred companies.

The Insurance directory. -- London : Buckley Press Ltd. -- Annual.

         A two-volume directory of companies in the United Kingdom.

Who writes what in life and health insurance / compiled by
Reference Book Department, the National Underwriter Company. --
Cincinnati, Ohio : The Company. -- Annual.

         Agents and companies for specialized insurance needs.

Best's directory of recommended insurance adjusters.  -- Oldwick,
N.J. : A.M. Best Co.

Best's directory of recommended insurance attorneys. -- Oldwick,
N.J. : A.M. Best Co. -- Annual.
                                                      KF195.I5 B47


The Insurance almanac : who, what, when and where in insurance; an
annual of insurance facts -- New York : Underwriter Print. and Pub.
Co. [n. d.].

Life insurance : a consumer's handbook / Joseph M. Belth. -- 2nd
ed. -- Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c1985. -- xviii, 216
pp. : ill.
                                                   HG8951.B45 1985


         Current issues are held in the Newspaper and Current
Periodical Reading Room; bound volumes of older issues can be
requested in other reading rooms by call slip.

Best's review. Life/health insurance ed.  -- Rensselaer, N.Y. :
A.M. Best, Co. -- Monthly.

Best's review. Property/casualty insurance ed. -- Oldwick, N.J. :
A.M. Best Co. -- Monthly.

National underwriter. Life, health/financial services ed. --
[Cincinnati, OH : National Underwriter Co. -- Weekly (with one
extra issue in July, Sept., and Oct.).
                                              Microfilm (o) 83/113

National underwriter. Property & casualty ed. --  [Chicago, Ill. :
National Underwriter Co. -- Weekly.
                                              Microfilm (o) 84/210

         After 1991, the Library retains current issues only of
this title.

Insurance periodicals index. -- [Boston] : Special Libraries
Association, Insurance Division.

         Articles on insurance subjects are indexed here as well as
in other business and newspaper indexes (see chapter 3 of this

                       Statistics Sources

Best's aggregates & averages. Life-health. -- Oldwick, N.J. : A.M.
Best. -- Annual.

Best's aggregates & averages. Property-casualty. -- Oldwick, N.J.
: A.M. Best Co. -- Annual.
                                                   HG8945.B48 1990

Life insurance fact book. -- New York : Institute of Life
Insurance. -- Biennial.

Source book of health insurance data. -- New York : Health
Insurance Institute. -- Annual.

Best's executive data service.  Life-health industry marketing
results. Accident & health lines-experience by state. -- Oldwick,
N.J. : A.M. Best Co.

         Includes underwriting, marketing, performance, and loss
statistics, state by state.  The work is intended as an evaluative
and comparative source for the industry, and it presents data in
many different configurations to suit varied needs.

                      MARKETING AND SALES


Dictionary of marketing terms / by Betsy-Ann Toffler, Jane Imber.
-- 2nd ed. -- Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's
Educational Series, c1994. -- viii, 579 pp. : ill. -- (Barron's
business guides).
                                                   HF5803.T56 1994
Glossary of marketing terms / Norman A. Hart, John Stapleton. --
2nd ed. -- London : Heinemann, 1981. --
206 pp.
                                                  HF5415.H238 1981
Dictionary of marketing & advertising / Michael J. Baker. -- 2nd
ed. -- New York : Nichols Pub., c1990. --
viii, 271 pp. : ill.
                                                  HF5415.B273 1990

Phelon's ... directory of discount stores. -- Fairview, N.J. :
Phelon, Sheldon & Marsar, Inc.
         Includes distributor's directory.

Sheldon's retail directory of the United States and Canada and
Phelon's resident buyers and merchandise brokers. -- Fairview,
N.J., etc. : Phelon, Sheldon & Marsar. -- Annual.
American wholesalers and distributors directory. -- Detroit : Gale
Research. -- Biennial.
                                              HF5421.A615 Ref Desk

European wholesalers and distributors directory. -- Detroit : Gale
Research. -- Biennial.
                                                  HF5421.5.E85 E95

Market guide. -- New York : The Editor & Publisher Co.
                                               HF5905.E38 Ref Desk

         Directory to U.S. markets. From 1924 to 1942 this title
was included as section 2 of the November issue (1924, of a
December issue) of Editor & Publisher.


Green book. -- [New York, N.Y.] : New York Chapter, American
Marketing Association. -- Annual.

         An international directory of marketing research companies
and services.

Handbook of selling : psychological, managerial, and marketing
dynamics / Gary M. Grikscheit, Harold C. Cash, Clifford E. Young.
-- New York : Wiley, c1993. -- xiii, 450 pp. : ill. -- (Wiley
series on marketing management).
                                                HF5438.25.G74 1993

Handbook of innovative marketing techniques / by David D. Seltz. --
Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1981. -- xi, 329 pp. :

The Pocket marketer : your portable professional real-world
marketing companion / Brian Scott Sockin, Janet Grottalio. -- New
York, NY : Warner Books, c1992. -- xiii, 305 pp. : ill.
                                                  HF5415.S686 1992

                        PUBLIC RELATIONS

                         General Works

Professional's guide to public relations services / Richard Weiner.
-- 6th ed. -- New York, NY : American Management Association,
c1988. -- vi, 483 pp.
                                                     HD59.W38 1988

         For professionals and beginners.


O'Dwyer's directory of public relations firms. -- New York, N.Y. :
J.R. O'Dwyer Co. -- Annual.

O'Dwyer's directory of public relations executives. -- [New York :
J.R. O'Dwyer Co.].
                                                    HD59.O353 Biog

O'Dwyer's directory of corporate communications. -- New York : J.R.
O'Dwyer Co.

         Describes the public relations operations of three
thousand companies and five hundred trade associations.

National directory of corporate public affairs. -- Washington, D.C.
: Columbia Books. -- Annual.

         Similar to O'Dwyer's Directory of Corporate

Bacon's publicity checker. -- [Chicago, Ill.] : Bacon's PR and
Media Information Systems. -- Annual.

Bacon's international publicity checker / Bacon's Information
International Ltd. -- Chicago : Bacon's.
                                                    HF5813.E79 B3a

Hudson's Washington news media contacts directory. -- [Rhinebeck,
NY, etc. : Hudson's Directory].
                                              Z6953.W2 H8 Ref Desk
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