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A Guide to Finding Business Information at the Library of Congress

IX. Doing Business Overseas

Researchers interested in this subject should also see chapter 8 of
this guide.

                          General Works

The Europa world year book. -- London : Europa Publications
Limited. -- Annual.

         Similar to The Statesman's Yearbook (see below), but
articles on countries are more extensive, and more data on specific
businesses is presented.

The Statesman's year-book. -- New York [etc.] : St. Martin's Press
[etc.]. -- Annual.
                                                  JA51.S7 Ref Desk

         A brief but thorough introduction to each of the countries
of the world.  Detailed data on currency, industry, and trade is

Elsevier's dictionary of commercial terms and phrases in five
languages : in English, German, Spanish, French, and Swedish /
compiled by Barry L‚on Appleby. -- Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier
; New York, N.Y. : Elsevier Distributors for the U.S. and Canada,
Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1984. -- 1083 pp.
                                                   HF1002.A66 1984

Dicionario commercial multilingue. -- Venda Nova [Portugal] :
Bertrand Editora, 1990. -- 636 pp.
                                                   HF1002.M79 1990

         In English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and
Spanish. formerly Multilingual Commercial Dictionary.

Investing, licensing & trading conditions abroad / prepared and
published by Business International Corp. -- New York, N.Y. :
Business International Corp. -- 3 v. (loose-leaf).
         HG4538.I6543 1983 Business Reading Room, Current Journals

Chisholm's handbook of commercial geography / entirely rewritten by
Dudley Stamp. -- 20th ed. rev. by G. Noel Blake and Audrey N.
Clark. -- London ; New York : Longman, 1980. -- xxxii, 983 pp. :
                                                  HF1025.S689 1980

World chamber of commerce directory. -- Loveland, CO : World
Chamber of Commerce Directory. -- Annual.

         Lists U.S. and foreign chambers of commerce, American
chambers of commerce abroad, foreign chambers of commerce in the
U.S., foreign and U.S. state boards of tourism, convention and
visitors bureaus, foreign tourist information bureaus, and economic
development organizations.  Also listed are U.S. embassies
and foreign embassies in the United States.

Getting your Yen'$ worth : how to negotiate with Japan, inc /
Robert T. Moran. -- Houston : Gulf Pub. Co., c1985. -- xxii, 181
pp. : ill.
                                              HF1456.5.J3 M67 1985

Principal international businesses. -- [Parsippany, N.J., etc.]. :
Dun & Bradstreet International [etc.]. -- Annual.
                                              HF54.U5 P74 Ref Desk

         Lists 50,000 leading companies in thirty-six countries by
company, country, and SIC.


         Every effort is made to collect recent editions of
directories of foreign business operations, and these are grouped
together and organized by country in the Business Reading Room. 
The following titles are representative.  Space precludes listing
all available directories.


Dun's Asia/Pacific key business enterprises. -- Murray Hill, N.J.
: Dun & Bradstreet International. -- Annual.
                                                 HG4234.85.Z65 D86

Japan company handbook. -- [Tokyo : Toyo Keizai Shinposha, etc.].
-- Semiannual.                                          HC461.J35

Diamond's Japan business directory / Diamond Lead Company. -- Tokyo
; New York : Diamond Lead Co. -- Annual.

How to find information about Japanese companies and industries /
by Washington Researchers, Ltd. -- Ed. 1. -- Washington, DC : The
Researchers, c1984. -- v, 331 pp. -- (International series /
Washington Researchers, Ltd.).
                                                  HC462.9.H65 1984

Thailand profiles. -- [Bangkok : Media Research. -- Annual.
                                                  HD3542.55.A4 T47

Kompass; Australia. -- Prahran, Victoria : P. Isaacson

Thapar's Indian industrial directory & export & import directory of
the entire world. -- Bombay : Thapar International Industrial
Information Services.


Europe's 15,000 largest companies = Die 15,000 gr”ssten Unternehmen
Europas = Les 15,000 plus grandes soci‚t‚s de l'Europe. -- London
: Europe's Largest Companies Ltd. -- Annual.
                                                     HD2356.E9 E93

Jane's major companies of Europe. -- New York : F. Watts [etc.].

         Indexed by country, company, and industry.

Major companies of Europe. -- London : Graham & Trotman.

The Times 1000. -- [London] : Times Books [etc.].

Key British enterprises: KBE / compiled and published by
Publications Division, Dun & Bradstreet Limited. -- London : The
Division. -- Annual.

Kelly's business directory. -- East Grinstead : Kelly's Directories
Ltd. -- Annual.
                                                        HF54.G7 K4

Kompass-France : r‚pertoire g‚n‚ral de la production fran‡aise. --
Paris : SNEI. -- Annual.

         Four volumes, with English-language access.

ABC der deutschen Wirtschaft. -- Darmstadt : ABC der deutschen

         Six-volume German directory.

American subsidiaries of German firms. -- New York : German
American Chamber of Commerce.

         Early editions loose-leaf for updating.

Erhvervslivets ABC : ajourforte nogleoplysninger om 20.000 danske
virksomheder = up to date financial information on 20.000 Danish
companies. -- 22. udg. -- Rodovre : Okonomisk litteratur. --

Registar jugoslovenske privrede. -- Beograd : [Zavod za ekonomiku
usluznih delatnosti, Izdavacki centar].
                                                      HC407.A1 R43

Directory and year book of American business in Ireland. -- Dublin
: United States Chamber of Commerce in Ireland. -- Annual.

                      LATIN AMERICA

Mexico ... exporters directory. -- Mexico City, Mexico : Banco
Mexicano Somex.

Dun & Bradstreet's key business directory of Latin America. --
Bethlehem, PA : Dun & Bradstreet Information Services. -- Annual.

                       MIDDLE EAST

Major companies of the Arab world. -- London : Graham & Trotman

                      UNITED STATES

Directory of American firms operating in foreign countries. -- New
York : Simon & Schuster [etc.].
                                             HG4538.A1 D5 Ref Desk

Directory of foreign firms operating in the United States. -- New
York, N.Y. : Simon & Schuster, Technical and Reference Book
                                            HG4057.A21943 Ref Desk

Directory of foreign manufacturers in the United States. --
Atlanta, Ga : Publishing Services Division, School of Business
Administration, Georgia State University.
                                               HD9723.D39 Ref Desk
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