A Guide to Finding Business Information at the Library
of Congress
XVIII. Index of Titles
100 best mutual funds you can buy 42
220 best franchises to buy 47
ABC der deutschen WirtschaftDarmstadt 57
ABI-Inform 7
Accountant's encyclopedia, revised 49
Accountant's handbook of formulas and tables 50
Accountants' index 50
Accounting firms & practitioners 49
Accounting handbook for nonaccountants 50
Accounting literature in non-accounting journals 50
Accounting standards. Current text 50
Accounting standards. Original pronouncements 51
Accounting trends & techniques 51
Advertising age 26
Advertising age yearbook 26
Almanac of business and industrial financial ratios 16
Almanac of the 50 states 60
America's corporate families : the billion dollar directory 16
America's corporate families and international affiliates 16
American almanac of jobs and salaries 73
American bank directory 28
American banker index 29
American Bankers Association banking literature index 28
American register of exporters and importers 52
American statistics index 65
American subsidiaries of German firms 57
American wholesalers and distributors directory 37
Analysis for financial management 30
Analyst's handbook 17, 44
Analyzing ratios : a perceptive approach 16
Annual statement studies 17
Annual survey of manufactures : ASM 61
Argus F.C. & S. chart 33
Associations yellow book 67
Bacon's international publicity checker 38
Bacon's publicity checker 38
Balance of payments statistics. Yearbook 53
Bankers' almanac 28
Banking terminology 27
Barron's guide to graduate business schools 72
Basebook 6, 18, 63
Become a top consultant : how the experts do it 30
Best home-based franchises 47
Best's agents guide Life-health 34
Best's aggregates & averages Life-health 35
Best's aggregates & averages Property-casualty 35
Best's directory of recommended insurance adjusters 34
Best's directory of recommended insurance attorneys 34
Best's executive data service. Life-health industry 36
Best's insurance reports, life-health 34
Best's insurance reports, property-casualty 34
Best's review 35
Biographical dictionary of American business leaders 19
Book of lists 12
Bradford's directory of marketing research agencies 30
Brands and their companies 13
Broadcasting & cable yearbook 18
Budget of the United States Government 61, 70
Budgeting for not-for-profit organizations 67
Business Abstracts 7
Business Dateline 7
Business founding date directory 69
Business history review 70
Business incorporations in the United States, 1800-1943 68
Business information sources 8
Business organizations and agencies directory 67
Business periodicals index 20
Buying your own small business 46
Career choices for students of business 73
Career guide : Dun's employment opportunities directory 73
Career shifting : starting over in a changing economy 32
Career-changer's sourcebook 73
Census of construction industries. Geographic 62
Census of governments 62
Census of manufactures (1987) 1987 census of manufactures 62
Census of manufactures (1987). Industry series 17
Census of mineral industries. Industry 62
Census of retail trade. Geographic 62
Census of service industries. Geographic 62
Census of wholesale trade 62
CFO's handbook 31
Chisholm's handbook of commercial geography 55
Choosing an advertising agency 27
Collector's guide to old U.S. stocks and bonds 70
Commercial atlas & marketing guide 8
Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade
classification 51
Commodity prices 41
Companies and their brands 13
Company relocation handbook : making the right move 47
Complete information bank for entrepreneurs and small-business 46
Consolidated federal funds report County areas 71
Consolidated federal funds report Subcounty areas 71
Consultant's proposal, fee, and contract problem-solver 30
Consultants and consulting organizations directory 29
Corporate 500 The Directory of corporate philanthropy 15
Corporate America : a historical bibliography 68
Corporate archives and history : making the past work 68
Corporate cash management : techniques and analysis 30
Corporate finance bluebook 15, 31
Corporate finance sourcebook 31
Cost of Living Differentials 61
Countries of the world and their leaders yearbook 59
County business patterns, 1968-1977 61
CPI detailed report 61
Daily stock price record 43
Diamond's Japan business directory 56
Dictionary of accounting 49
Dictionary of accounting terms 49
Dictionary of banking and financial services 27
Dictionary of banking terms 27
Dictionary of business and economics 11
Dictionary of business terms 38
Dictionary of economic and statistical terms 62
Dictionary of finance and investment terms 27
Dictionary of insurance 33
Dictionary of marketing & advertising 36
Dictionary of marketing terms 36
Dictionary of occupational titles 72
Direct marketing list source 32
Direction of trade statistics Yearbook 53
Directory and year book of American business in Ireland 57
Directory of American firms operating in foreign countries 58
Directory of American savings and loan associations 28
Directory of business and financial services 11
Directory of business capital sources Dileep Rao 48
Directory of companies required to file annual reports 12
Directory of corporate affiliations 15
Directory of corporate counsel 15
Directory of directories 13
Directory of executive recruiters 32
Directory of foreign firms operating in the United States 58
Directory of foreign manufacturers in the United States 58
Directory of franchising organizations 47
Directory of industry data sources 11, 17
Directory of mail order catalogs 32
Directory of management consultants 29
Directory of obsolete securities 69
Directory of pension funds and their investment managers 41
Directory of state small business programs 45
Directory of U.S. and Canadian Marketing Surveys and Services 5
Disclosure/Worldscope global 7
Dow Jones averages, 1885-1990 39
Dow Jones-Irwin guide to commodities trading 41
Dow Jones-Irwin guide to using the Wall Street journal 21
Dun & Bradstreet reference book of American business 69
Dun & Bradstreet's guide to your investments 38
Dun & Bradstreet's key business directory of Latin America 58
Dun's Asia/Pacific key business enterprises 56
Dun's business identification service 13
Dun's consultants directory 29
Dun's regional business directory Washington DC/Baltimore area 12
EconLit 7
Economic indicators 63
Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress 63,
Economics sourcebook of government statistics 65
Economist pocket accountant 50
Elements of financial analysis 30
Elsevier's dictionary of commercial terms and phrases 55
Emerson's directory of leading U.S. accounting firms 50
Encyclopedia of associations 10, 67
Encyclopedia of business information sources 10
Encyclopedia of geographic information sources 59
Encyclopedia of international commerce 51
Encyclopedia of investments 38
Entrepreneurship 45
Erhvervslivets ABC 57
Europa world year book 54, 59
Europe's 15,000 largest companies 56
European company information 44
European stock exchange handbook 44
European wholesalers and distributors directory 37
Exporters' encyclopaedia World marketing guide 52
F & S index international: industries, countries, companies 20
F&S index United States annual 20
Fact book NYSE, New York Stock Exchange 44
FAO yearbook. Trade 53
Federal expenditures by state for fiscal year 71
Federal reserve bulletin 63
Federal statistical directory 65
Financial and accounting guide for not-for-profit organization 67
Financial compound interest and annuity tables 29
Financial yellow book 28
Findex 5
Finney and Miller's Principles of accounting-introductory 49
Forbes magazine 18
Foreign trade by commodities 53
Foundation directory 66
Franchise opportunities : a business of your own 47
Franchising handbook 47
Free help from Uncle Sam to start your own business 45
GAAP : interpretation and application 51
General Business File 7
General insurance 33
Getting your Yen'$ worth 55
Glossary of insurance terms 33
Glossary of marketing terms 36
Green book 37
Guide to European venture capital sources Venture Economics 48
Guide to foreign trade statistics 52
Guide to industry special issues 22
Guide to special issues and indexes of periodicals 22
Handbook and guide for selecting a career 73
Handbook of annotated financial forms 32
Handbook of business finance and capital sources 48
Handbook of economic statistics 52
Handbook of financial markets 41
Handbook of financial markets and institutions 31
Handbook of innovative marketing techniques 37
Handbook of international financial management 32
Handbook of international trade and development statistics 53
Handbook of modern accounting 50
Handbook of selling 37
Handbook of small business advertising 27
Handbook of small business finance 46
Handbook of small business valuation formulas 46
Handbook of successful franchising 47
Handbook of U.S. government & federal agency securities 40
HBJ Miller comprehensive GAAP guide 51
Historical tables, budget of the United States government 71
How to analyze businesses 31
How to find business intelligence in Washington 8
How to find information about companies 8
How to find information about Japanese companies 56
How to organize and operate a small business 46
How to prepare for the graduate management admission test 72
How to read a financial report 31
How to run a small business 46
How to select a business site 46
How to start, finance, and operate your own business 46
Hudson's Washington news media contacts directory 38
Hulbert guide to financial newsletters 11
IBC/Donoghue's mutual funds almanac 42
Index of economic articles in journals and collective volumes 21
Index to accounting and auditing technical pronouncements 51
Index to international statistics : IIS 52, 59, 66
Index to original pronouncements 51
Individual investor's guide to low-load mutual funds 42
Industrial statistics yearbook 64
Industry norms and key business ratios 16
Insider's guide to the top ten business schools 72
Instant mortgage-equity : extended tables of overall rates 29
Institutional investor directory 39
Insurance almanac 34
Insurance directory 34
Insurance periodicals index 35
International brands and their companies 13
International business reference sources 10
International companies and their brands 13
International financial statistics yearbook 59, 63
International marketing data and statistics 53
International trade statistics yearbook 53
Introduction to nonprofit organization accounting 67
Investing for a lifetime 42
Investing in money market securities 41
Investing, licensing & trading conditions abroad 55
Investment companies and their securities 42
Investment Newsletter Contacts 11
Irwin business and investment almanac 8, 39
Jane's major companies of Europe 56
Japan company handbook 56
Journal of economic history 70
Journal of economic literature 21
Kelly's business directory 57
Key British enterprises: KBE 57
KIS dollar bond evaluator 40
Knight-Ridder CRB commodity yearbook 41
Kompass; Australia 56
Kompass-France : r‚pertoire g‚n‚ral de la production 57
Lead generation handbook 32
Life insurance : a consumer's handbook 35
Life insurance fact book 36
Local area personal income 61
Long term economic growth 63
Mail order business directory 32
Major companies of Europe 57
Major companies of the Arab world 58
Major stock markets of Europe 45
Making the non-profit organization work 67
Management consulting : a guide to the profession 30
Managerial cost accounting : planning and control 49
Mancuso's small business resource guide 46
Market guide 37, 60
Mathematics for business and personal finance 49
McGraw-Hill dictionary of modern economics 11
Metropolitan Washington job bank 73
Mexico ... exporters directory 57
Million dollar directory Dun & Bradstreet 12
Million Dollar Disc 7
Mission-based management 66
MIT dictionary of modern economics 11
Money market fund primer 41
Money market funds 41
Money, banking, and macroeconomics 10
Monthly labor review 63
Monthly payment direct reduction loan amortization schedules 29
Moody's bank and finance manual 9, 28
Moody's bond ratings and quotations 40
Moody's bond survey 40
Moody's complete corporate index 9
Moody's handbook of common stocks 44
Moody's industrial manual 9, 43
Moody's international manual Moody's Investors Service 9
Moody's municipal & government manual 9
Moody's OTC industrial manual 9, 43
Moody's OTC unlisted manual 9
Moody's public utility manual 43
Moody's transportation manual 9, 43
Morningstar closed-end fund sourcebook 42
Morningstar mutual fund 500 42
Multilingual commercial dictionary Dicion rio comercial mul 55
Municipal registered bond interest record 40
Mutual fund encyclopedia 42
Mutual fund fact book 42
National accounts statistics 64
National directory of corporate public affairs 14, 38
National directory of nonprofit organizations 66
National job bank 73
National prescription audit: company report, ten year trend 18
National stock summary 70
National trade and professional associations 67
National Trade Data Bank 7
National underwriter 35
Nationwide directory. Major mass market merchandisers 18
Nelson's directory of investment managers 39
Nelson's directory of investment research 39
New book of world rankings 60
New Palgrave : a dictionary of economics 11
New Palgrave dictionary of money & finance 11
New York times index 21
Nonprofit organization 66
NTC's dictionary of advertising 26
O'Dwyer's directory of corporate communications 14, 38
O'Dwyer's directory of public relations executives 38
O'Dwyer's directory of public relations firms 14, 38
Obsolete American securities and corporations 69
Obsolete securities 69
Occupational outlook handbook 72
OECD economic outlook Historical statistics = Perspectives 63
Official guide for GMAT review 72
Official Washington post index 21
Owners & officers of private companies 19
Penguin dictionary of economics 11
Personal income, by States, since 1929 60
Phelon's ... directory of discount stores 14, 36
Pocket marketer 37
Polk's world bank directory 28
Polk's world bank directory North American section 27
Portable executive 33
Pratt's guide to venture capital sources 48
Predicasts F & S index Europe annual 20
Principal international businesses 55
Professional's guide to public relations services 37
PROMT, Predicasts overview of markets and technology 18, 20
Property and liability insurance 33
Public Affairs Information Service bulletin 21
Pulp & paper ... fact book 18
Questioned stock" manual 69
Reference book of corporate managements Dun & Bradstreet 19
Registar jugoslovenske privrede 57
Robert D. Fisher manual of valuable and worthless securities 69
Running Press glossary of accounting language 49
Running Press glossary of insurance language 33
SEC filing companies 12
Securities industry yearbook 39
Security dealers of North America 39
Sheldon's retail directory of the United States and Canada 36
Small business index 45
Small business sourcebook 45
Social security bulletin 64
Source book of franchise opportunities 47
Source book of health insurance data 36
Sourcebook of zip code demographics 13, 61
Special analyses, budget of the United States Government 70
Special issues index 22
SRC green book of 5-trend 35-year charts 43
Standard & Poor's industry surveys 9, 17
Standard & Poor's register of corporations 12, 19
Standard & Poor's statistical service current statistics 18
Standard & Poor's statistical service: security price index 39, 64
Standard & Poor's stock reports Nasdaq and regional exchanges 44
Standard & Poor's stock reports: American Stock Exchange 43
Standard & Poor's stock reports: New York Stock Exchange 43
Standard & Poor's stock reports: over the counter 43
Standard corporation descriptions 10, 43
Standard directory of advertisers 14
Standard directory of advertising agencies 14
Standard directory of international advertisers & agencies 27
Standard industrial classification manual : 1987 6
Standard-W”rterbuch f�r Werbung, Massenmedien und Market 26
State rankings : a statistical view of the 50 United States 60
States in profile : the state policy reference book 60
Statesman's year-book 59
Statistical abstract of the United States 60
Statistical reference index ... annual 65
Statistical yearbook 64
Statistics Asia & Australasia 65
Statistics Europe 65
Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations 67
Student access guide to the best business schools 72
Survey of buying power data service 60
Survey of current business 64
Techniques of financial analysis 30
Thailand profiles 56
Thapar's Indian industrial directory & export & import directo 56
The CFO's handbook 30
The collector's guide to old U.S. stocks and bonds 70
The Europa year book 59
The Statesman's year-book 55
Thomas food industry register 14
Thomas register of American manufacturers 10, 69
Thomson bank directory 28
Thomson savings directory 28
Thorndike encyclopedia of banking and financial tables 29
Times 1000 57
Top business schools : the ultimate guide 72
Treasury bulletin 64, 71
U.S. exports Commodity groupings by world area 54
U.S. exports Schedule B commodity by country 54
U.S. exports. Domestic merchandise 54
U.S. exports. World area and country 54
U.S. foreign trade. General imports 54
U.S. general imports 54
U.S. global trade outlook 17
U.S. imports for consumption 54
U.S. imports. Consumption and general SIC-based products 54
U.S. overseas loans, and grants, and assistance 71
Understanding a company's finances : a graphic approach 31
United States corporation histories 68
United States government annual report 71
Unlisted market guide 44
Valuable extinct securities 69
Value line investment survey 44
Value line mutual fund survey 42
Walker's manual of Western corporations & securities 44
Wall Street journal. Index 21
Wall Street transcript 5
Ward's business directory 13
Who audits America 50
Who owns whom 15
Who owns whom: Australasia and Far East 16
Who owns whom: Continental Europe 16
Who owns whom: United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland 15
Who services corporate America 14
Who writes what in life and health insurance 34
Who's who in advertising 20
Who's who in black corporate America 19
Who's who in venture capital 48
Who's who of American business leaders 19
Witherby's dictionary of insurance 34
World chamber of commerce directory 55, 68
World debt tables 64
World tables 64
World trade index 52
World who's who in finance and industry 19
Worldwide economic indicators 65
Worldwide franchise directory 4