A Guide to Finding Business Information at the Library
of Congress
VI. Small Business: Entrepreneurship, Franchising, and Venture Capital
The Entrepreneur's Reference Guide To Small Business Information,
published by the Library of Congress, covers a variety of topics of
interest to the entrepreneur. Copies are available, upon request
and without charge, at the Business Reference Desk.
If, after consulting the Library's resources on small
business, still more information is required, visit or telephone
the library of the Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street
SW, Washington, D.C. 20416, telephone 202 205-7033.
Small business sourcebook. -- Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co. --
HD2346.U5 S66
"A guide to the information services and sources provided
to 100 small businesses by associations, consultants, educational
programs, franchisers, government agencies (federal, state, and
local), reference works, statisticians, suppliers, trade shows, and
venture capital firms." Has companion publication: Small Business
Start-Up Index.
The Small business index / by Wayne D. Kryszak. -- Metuchen, N.J.
: Scarecrow Press, 1978-1985. -- 2 v.
HD62.5.K79 1978
This publication indexes books and articles by types of
small business. It also guides researchers to general small
business sources, and to specific sources on finance and on women
in small business. Includes bibliographies.
Entrepreneurship / John G. Burch. -- New York : Wiley, c1986. --
xvii, 493 pp. : ill. -- (Wiley series in management).
HB615.B87 1986
Although this book is largely theoretical, it gives much
practical advice on mail order business analysis, starting an
export business, legal and financial problems, and business plan
development and presentation. Includes bibliographies.
Directory of state small business programs / prepared by Office of
the Chief Counsel for Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration.
-- Washington, D.C. : The Office.
HD2346.U5 D57
Free help from Uncle Sam to start your own business (or expand the
one you have) / William Alarid, Gustav Berle. -- Rev. ed. -- Santa
Maria, Calif. : Puma Pub. Co., c1989. -- 204 pp. : ill.
HD2346.U5 A63 1989
Includes bibliographical references.
Handbook of small business valuation formulas / by Glenn Desmond
and John Marcello. -- Los Angeles : Valuation Press, c1987. -- 139
HG4028.V3 D478 1987
Includes bibliographies.
How to start, finance, and operate your own business / by James L.
Silvester. -- 1st ed. -- Secaucus, N.J. : L. Stuart, c1984. -- 448
pp. : forms.
HD62.5.S56 1984
Includes directories of capital sources, and a list of
helpful publications.
The Complete information bank for entrepreneurs and small-business
managers / Ron Christy and Billy M. Jones ; in cooperation with the
Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Wichita
State University. -- 2nd ed. -- New York, NY : AMACOM, c1988. --
xii, 340 pp. : ports.
HD2346.U5 C45 1988
How to organize and operate a small business / Clifford M.
Baumback. -- 8th ed. -- Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall,
c1988. -- xiii, 578 pp. : ill.
HD62.7.B39 1988
How to run a small business / J.K. Lasser Institute. -- 7th ed. --
New York : McGraw-Hill, c1994. -- xiii, 328 pp.
HD62.7.H68 1993
Mancuso's small business resource guide / Joseph R. Mancuso. -- 1st
ed. -- New York : Prentice Hall Press, c1988. -- xii, 557 pp.
HD62.7.M367 1988
A Handbook of small business finance / by Jack Zwick. --
Washington, D.C. : U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of
Business Development : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.,
1987. -- iv, 57 pp. -- (Small business management series)
Bibliography: pp. 56-57.
Buying your own small business / Brian R. Smith, Thomas L. West. --
Lexington, Mass. : S. Greene Press ; New York, N.Y. : distributed
by Viking Penguin, 1985. -- x, 118, 28 pp., [2] folded leaves of
plates. : ill.
HD62.7.S62 1985
How to select a business site : the executive's location guide /
Jon E. Browning ; with cooperation of the Rouse Company. -- New
York : McGraw-Hill, c1980. -- xiii, 225 pp.
Company relocation handbook : making the right move / Sharon Kaye
Ward and William Gary Ward. -- Grants Pass, Or. : Oasis Press/PSI
Research, c1991. -- xiii, 214 pp.
HD58.W28 1991
Handbook of successful franchising / Mark P. Friedlander, Jr., Gene
Gurney. -- 3rd ed. -- Blue Ridge Summit, PA : Liberty Hall Press,
c1990. -- viii, 520 pp.
HF5429.235.U5 F74 1990
Includes bibliographical references (p. [507]-515).
The Franchising handbook / Andrew J. Sherman, editor. -- New York
: AMACOM, c1993. -- xvii, 510 pp. : ill.
HF5429.23.F72 1993
Includes bibliographical references.
The Best home-based franchises / Gregory Matusky and the Philip
Lief Group, Inc. -- 1st ed. -- New York : Doubleday, 1992. -- xi,
307 pp.
HF5429.235.U5 M38 1992
The 220 best franchises to buy : the sourcebook for evaluating the
best franchise opportunities / Constance Jones ; special
consultants, Andrew J. Sherman and Robert Perry ; the Philip Lief
Group, Inc. -- Rev. ed. -- New York : Bantam, c1993. -- xiii, 472
HF5429.235.U5 J66 1993
Directory of franchising organizations. -- New York : Pilot Books.
-- Annual.
Franchise opportunities : a business of your own. -- New York :
HF5429.235.U5 F73
Superseded editions are also published by U.S. Bureau of
Industrial Economics, as Franchise Opportunities Handbook.
The Source book of franchise opportunities. -- Homewood, Ill. : Dow
HF5429.235.U5 S66
Frequency varies.
Worldwide franchise directory. -- 1st ed. -- Detroit : Gale
Research, c1991.
Lists information on approximately 1,600 franchises in
thirteen countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa as well as in the
United States and Canada.
Pratt's guide to venture capital sources. -- 8th ed.- -- Wellesley
Hills, Mass. : Venture Economics, Inc. -- Annual.
This introduction to obtaining venture capital includes a
brief guide to preparing a business plan, as well as an industry
preference index. Information for each entry includes type of
firm, project preferences, geographical preferences, and industry
Guide to European venture capital sources / Venture Economics. --
[1st ed.]- -- Wellesley Hills, Mass. : Venture Economics, Inc.
Issued every three to four years.
Who's who in venture capital / A. David Silver. -- 2nd ed. -- New
York : Wiley, c1986. -- xi, 548 pp.
HG4963.S56 1986
Handbook of business finance and capital sources. -- Minneapolis,
MN : InterFinance Corp.
Directory of business capital sources / Dileep Rao. -- Minneapolis,
MN : InterFinance Corp.
Issued every eighteen months.
Vankirk's venture capital directory. -- Arlington, Va. : Online
Pub. -- Semiannual.