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Saw Slumdog Millionaire last night. 3 stars. I had my hopes up. The early slumdog scenes were the best. good date flick though.
@jbogard sha! everyone knows to just use an interceptor!
@aaronlerch licensing, education, and even what they are engineering. take network engineers for example. they dont take Calculus 4
@therealhoff you are using yahoo pipes correct? care to share your secret? there is some ypipes wizardry involved
@aaronlerch that there's a difference between being an Engineer and applying engineering practices and principles.
@bellware mobile deepzoom applications have potential. biz cards, receipts for expense reports (all snapped with the built in cam of course
@bradwilson i told @rodpaddock that I only play 1ed a few weeks ago. maybe i'll have to look at 4ed
does Software Engineering exist?
had an interesting discussion with my wife (who is an aerospace and mechanical engineer) about the use of "engineer" in IT/software jobs
@colin_jack yes... i don't think i was prepared for them back in april or whenever that was. is there similar content elsewhere?
i'm re-reading all of greg young's dddd stuff.
@JeremySkinner yeah.. i have a feeling we will soon..
LOL @ setId parameter always "true" in InputExtensions.InputHelper ( mvc beta) - with indexer binding, mvc is not xhtml
89-line controller action methods, abusing httpcontext.. oxite might not be the best example.
garfield minus garfield keeps getting darker and darker.
so i guess we're calling blog posts "blogs" now..
@serialseb scratch that, i was thoroughly confused. id is ID.


David O'Hara Raymond Lewallen JonRowett Jake Good Scott Koon Chris Bilson James Gregory Phil Haack Kevin Dente sergio pereira Brad Wilson Leon (Telligent) Glenn Block Marc Brooks David Laribee Brendan Tompkins Jeff Atwood Scott Hanselman Chris Ortman Rob Conery Joel Ross Scott C Reynolds Steven Harman hamilton verissimo Michael Eaton Nate Kohari Chris Patterson Alvin Ashcraft Ben Hall James Avery Kevin Miller Steve Eichert Sean Chambers Scott Bellware Mark Leon Watson A Curious Mind