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@guykawasaki saw the handprints as a kid while taking a tour of the Rock and later read about the occupation before it became a park
@adean stop giving away all my secrets!!! :)
@adean that is the plan. Hope I can get it finished before someone else does it :)
TWEETOPML.COM will be my first dive in MVC. wish me luck
working on TWEETOPML.COM tonight
wow... getting a strange case of déjà vu just now. Having a feeling that something big will happen soon.
@peterbromberg thanks Peter. that helps. I could do it but I did not want to reacreate and get to the real code
anyone have a library to get a list of all RSS feeds from a given url?
@THErealDVORAK what do you think of Rombauer Chardonnay? It is my wife favorite chard
@DetroitVoice we still need to plan a tweetup maybe this week if GM does not shutdown early to save $$$
@DetroitVoice I love the weather when I can sit inside my office and drink coffee and look out the window. Sucks to drive 160 miles in it
been a fun day here in GR. Looks like I may not get out in morning to go to Detroit. Freezing rain and then snow.
spent the last 2 days trying to find a fix for Vista 64 SP1 and Adobe Audition 3.0. finally found a fix from Adobe
@jordan112 I heard it was your birthday? Happy Birthday
drinking coffee from an old Starbucks City series cup... this one is from Seattle and it holds enough not to have to go to kitchen often
@ehexter @keithelder and I appreciate the time you gave to @Deepfriedbytes and are happy you enjoy our work.
very cool that Zune software will give you tour dates for artists/bands
@DerikWhittaker I will keep that info in mind thanks
back home from cub scouts and oil change... trying to learn ASP.NET MVC better from Oxite project


Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Ted Leung Jason Alexander Scott Watermasysk Don Demsak Obie Hugh MacLeod Gilbert Corrales Jamie Wright Jeff Sandquist             whurley Caleb Jenkins Michael L. Brent Ozar Raymond Lewallen Scott Koon Keyvan Nayyeri Oliver Sturm Don Burnett Josh Schramm Alan Le Jon Galloway Betsy Weber Phil Haack David Finch Kevin Dente Tim Heuer Dave Bost Scott Isaacs Hal Rottenberg Gary Bernhardt Chris Bernard Miguel de Icaza
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