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good old Windows Update. Always good for some downtime with those "critical patches" and so forth.
@chris_mahan no, it isn't; I think the DB server restarted to apply patches.
on Playstation Home: "In Home, I feel like a prisoner -- my uniform matches all the other inmates." prison sim? ouch.
I don't mean to sound like a cheapskate, but for my ultra-uber-basic invoicing needs, $12/mo is overkill. $5/mo would be a no brainer!
I think blinksale (online invoicing) is comically overpriced at $13 per month. Anyone got more reasonably priced alternatives?
I keep getting hits to that Burleson guy's content (usually good), and it makes me laugh every time
"Blackbird is the web browser for the African American community." erwhat?
"apparently my wife doesn't understand that if I don't have my PS3, 360, Gamecube, Super NES, and Nintendo 64 all hooked up at once, I die"
We found 382 results tagged with cardboard and box and cat.
@waxpancake LOL, the Cosby cease-and-desist email list is the same as the regular mailing list.
Charles Bronson's MANDOM! GET SOME!
via @timbray , is computer science busted?
@BM5k AnyDVD HD produces raw rip files, 20+GB, with no copy protection. Just try it and you'll see how it works.
@gkra I'm pretty sure once you rip with AnyDVD HD, the movie file(s) can be played back anywhere with something like ffdshow, easy
ripping the Planet Earth HD-DVDs; that's about 88 GB of data in total. Fun to pick up cheap "obsolete" discs with multiformat drive.
It's going to be a "configure your own barebones servers" Xmas for me. Isn't that the best kind, really? I think it is!
90% of everything is crap, including the advice you're given. But that other 10%, if you can find it, is actually quite good.
Pulling the trigger on two Lenovo ThinkServers (RD120+RS110) for me to build up at home and test out.
wow, Dick Hardt joined Microsoft? I loved his identity 2.0 preso.


Andy Baio Anil Dash Omar Shahine Bill de hOra hotdogsladies Adam Kinney Jon Galloway Phil Haack Kevin Dente Miguel de Icaza Joey deVilla Tim Bray Richard White Michael Krakovskiy Jonathan Coulton Tim O'Reilly Wil Shipley Brian Ellis Scott Stanfield Scott Hanselman Clay Shirky Jenny Holzer Geoff Dalgas engtech Dare Obasanjo DanT Adrian Anttila Nathan Bowers tatehansen Betsy Burton saraford Rich Skrenta secretGeek Kathy Sierra Jin Yang