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Ok....down to just 10 days till we head off to make Christmas in Wales.
27 Days till we head out for a few weeks of bumming in Wales-mentally there now
GPS Updates idiling...
New posting on Now heading to see Indiana Jones (he so wants to be like us!) . Although it will be in Turkish--it'll do.
Sorry we haven't updated T in a while...we had some amazing update charges (our end) via our cell. For now, Updates are idling.
N38 29.15 E034 45.13
N40 49.11 E042 41.49
N 40 39.03 E 035 49.54 Enter these values at the Google Maps link below to see where we were a few minutes ago.
GPS Updates Idling
Had some glitches with our updates...sorry!
Sorry about the lack of GPS updates....Moolah came...Moolah went -- Updating from Greece was "spensive Lucy!"
Istanbul! GPS on idle. Departing soon for here for updates.
Starting the turn west for home....
N37 20.13 E042 12.44 Overnighted on Syrian border.
N37 13.41 E044 46.44 18 Checkpoints so far today.
E39 10.24 E044 11.49
N40 36.32 E043 05.41 Back to Dogubeyazit tomorrow.
N39 33.02 E044 04.31
N40 42.55 E039 38.44 Visited 2 mtn families today. No E access
N40 55.05 E038 23.04