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Control Systems' which was released on October 01, 2003.

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Before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, 
Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census, House Committee on 
Government Reform:

United States General Accounting Office:


For Release on Delivery Expected at 1:00 p.m. EDT:

Wednesday, October 1, 2003:

Critical Infrastructure Protection:

Challenges in Securing Control Systems:

Statement of Robert F. Dacey, Director, Information Security Issues:


GAO Highlights:

Highlights of GAO-04-140T, testimony before the Subcommittee on 
Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the
Census, House Committee on Government Reform 

Why GAO Did This Study:

Computerized control systems perform vital functions across many of 
our nation’s critical infrastructures. For example, in natural gas 
distribution, they can monitor and control the pressure and flow of 
gas through pipelines; in the electric power industry, they can 
monitor and control the current and voltage of electricity through 
relays and circuit breakers; and in water treatment facilities, they 
can monitor and adjust water levels, pressure, and chemicals used for 

In October 1997, the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure 
Protection emphasized the increasing vulnerability of control systems 
to cyber attacks. The House Committee on Government Reform, 
Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental 
Relations, and the Census asked GAO to testify on potential cyber 

GAO’s testimony focused on (1) significant cybersecurity risks 
associated with control systems; (2) potential and reported cyber 
attacks against these systems; (3) key challenges to securing control 
systems; and (4) steps that can be taken to strengthen the security of 
control systems, including current federal and private-sector 

What GAO Found:

In addition to general cyber threats, which have been steadily 
increasing, several factors have contributed to the escalation of the 
risks of cyber attacks against control systems. These include the 
adoption of standardized technologies with known vulnerabilities, the 
increased connectivity of control systems to other systems, 
constraints on the use of existing security technologies for control 
systems, and the wealth of information about them that is publicly 
available. Common control system components are illustrated in the 
graphic below.

Control systems can be vulnerable to a variety of attacks, examples of 
which have already occurred. Successful attacks on control systems 
could have devastating consequences, such as endangering public health 
and safety; damaging the environment; or causing a loss of production, 
generation, or distribution of public utilities. 

Securing control systems poses significant challenges, including 
technical limitations, perceived lack of economic justification, and 
conflicting organizational priorities. However, several steps can be 
taken now and in the future to promote better security in control 
systems, such as implementing effective security management programs 
and researching and developing new technologies. The government and
private industry have initiated several efforts intended to improve 
the security of control systems.

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click 
on the link above. For more information, contact Robert F. Dacey at 
(202) 512-3317 or

[End of section]

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee:

I am pleased to be here today to participate in the Subcommittee's 
hearing on the security of control systems. Control systems--which 
include supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and 
distributed control systems--perform vital functions across many of our 
nation's critical infrastructures, including electric power 
generation, transmission, and distribution; oil and gas refining and 
pipelines; water treatment and distribution; chemical production and 
processing; railroads and mass transit; and manufacturing. In October 
1997, the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection 
highlighted cyber attacks as specific points of vulnerability, stating 
that "the widespread and increasing use of SCADA systems for control of 
energy systems provides increasing ability to cause serious damage and 
disruption by cyber means.":

In my testimony today I will discuss the (1) significant cybersecurity 
risks associated with control systems; (2) potential and reported cyber 
attacks against these systems; (3) key challenges to securing control 
systems; and (4) steps that can be taken to strengthen the security of 
control systems, including current federal and private-sector 

In preparing for this testimony, we conducted a literature search and 
analyzed research studies and reports about the vulnerabilities of 
control systems. We met with private-sector and federal officials with 
expertise in control systems and their security. Finally, we relied on 
prior GAO reports and testimonies on critical infrastructure 
protection, information security, and national preparedness, among 
others. Our work was performed from July to September 2003 in 
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.

Results in Brief:

For several years, security risks have been reported in control 
systems, upon which many of the nation's critical infrastructures rely 
to monitor and control sensitive processes and physical functions. In 
addition to general cyber threats, which have been steadily increasing, 
several factors have contributed to the escalation of risks specific to 
control systems, including the (1) adoption of standardized 
technologies with known vulnerabilities, (2) connectivity of control 
systems to other networks, (3) constraints on the use of existing 
security technologies and practices, (4) insecure remote connections, 
and (5) widespread availability of technical information about control 

Control systems can be vulnerable to a variety of attacks. These 
attacks could have devastating consequences, such as endangering public 
health and safety; damaging the environment; or causing a loss of 
production, generation, or distribution of public utilities. Control 
systems have already been subject to a number of cyber attacks, 
including attacks on a sewage treatment system in Australia in 2000 
and, more recently, on a nuclear power plant in Ohio.

Several challenges must be addressed in order to effectively secure 
control systems. These include: the limitations of current security 
technologies in securing control systems, the perception that securing 
control systems may not be economically justifiable, and conflicting 
priorities within organizations regarding the security of control 

Several steps can be considered when addressing potential threats to 
control systems, including (1) researching and developing new security 
technologies to protect control systems; (2) developing security 
policies, guidance, and standards for control systems; (3) increasing 
security awareness and sharing information about implementing more 
secure architectures and existing security technologies, for example, 
by segmenting process control networks with robust firewalls and strong 
authentication; (4) implementing effective security management 
programs that include consideration of control system security; and 
(5) developing and testing continuity plans within organizations and 
industries, to ensure safe and continued operation in the event of an 
interruption, such as a power outage or cyber attack on control 
systems. Government and private industry have initiated several efforts 
intended to improve the security of control systems. These initiatives 
include efforts to promote research and development activities, form 
information sharing and analysis centers, and develop new standards. In 
addition, we have made several recommendations for improving the 
federal government's critical infrastructure protection efforts, which 
include control systems.


Cyberspace Introduces Risks for Control Systems:

Dramatic increases in computer interconnectivity, especially in the use 
of the Internet, continue to revolutionize the way our government, our 
nation, and much of the world communicate and conduct business. The 
benefits have been enormous. Vast amounts of information are now 
literally at our fingertips, facilitating research on virtually every 
topic imaginable; financial and other business transactions can be 
executed almost instantaneously, often 24 hours a day; and electronic 
mail, Internet Web sites, and computer bulletin boards allow us to 
communicate quickly and easily with a virtually unlimited number of 
individuals and groups.

However, this widespread interconnectivity poses significant risks to 
the government's and our nation's computer systems and, more important, 
to the critical operations and infrastructures they support. For 
example, telecommunications, power distribution, water supply, public 
health services, national defense (including the military's warfighting 
capability), law enforcement, government services, and emergency 
services all depend on the security of their computer operations. The 
speed and accessibility that create the enormous benefits of the 
computer age, if not properly controlled, may allow individuals and 
organizations to inexpensively eavesdrop on or interfere with these 
operations from remote locations for mischievous or malicious purposes, 
including fraud or sabotage. Table 1 summarizes the key threats to our 
nation's infrastructures, as observed by the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation (FBI).

Table 1: Threats to Critical Infrastructure Observed by the FBI:

Threat: Criminal groups; Description: There is an increased use of 
cyber intrusions by criminal groups who attack systems for purposes of 
monetary gain.

Threat: Foreign intelligence services; Description: Foreign 
intelligence services use cyber tools as part of their information 
gathering and espionage activities.

Threat: Hackers; Description: Hackers sometimes crack into networks for 
the thrill of the challenge or for bragging rights in the hacker 
community. While remote cracking once required a fair amount of skill 
or computer knowledge, hackers can now download attack scripts and 
protocols from the Internet and launch them against victim sites. Thus, 
while attack tools have become more sophisticated, they have also 
become easier to use.

Threat: Hacktivists; Description: Hacktivism refers to politically 
motivated attacks on publicly accessible Web pages or e-mail servers. 
These groups and individuals overload e-mail servers and hack into Web 
sites to send a political message.

Threat: Information warfare; Description: Several nations are 
aggressively working to develop information warfare doctrine, programs, 
and capabilities. Such capabilities enable a single entity to have a 
significant and serious impact by disrupting the supply, 
communications, and economic infrastructures that support military 
power--impacts that, according to the Director of Central 
Intelligence,a can affect the daily lives of Americans across the 

Threat: Insider threat; Description: The disgruntled organization 
insider is a principal source of computer crimes. Insiders may not need 
a great deal of knowledge about computer intrusions because their 
knowledge of a victim system often allows them to gain unrestricted 
access to cause damage to the system or to steal system data. The 
insider threat also includes outsourcing vendors.

Threat: Virus writers; Description: Virus writers are posing an 
increasingly serious threat. Several destructive computer viruses and 
"worms" have harmed files and hard drives, including the Melissa Macro 
Virus, the Explore.Zip worm, the CIH (Chernobyl) Virus, Nimda, and Code 

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation unless otherwise indicated:

[A] Prepared Statement of George J. Tenet, Director of Central 
Intelligence, before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 
February 2, 2000.

[End of table]

Government officials remain concerned about attacks from individuals 
and groups with malicious intent, such as crime, terrorism, foreign 
intelligence gathering, and acts of war. According to the FBI, 
terrorists, transnational criminals, and intelligence services are 
quickly becoming aware of and using information exploitation tools such 
as computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, and 
eavesdropping sniffers that can destroy, intercept, degrade the 
integrity of, or deny access to data.[Footnote 1] In addition, the 
disgruntled organization insider is a significant threat, since these 
individuals often have knowledge that allows them to gain unrestricted 
access and inflict damage or steal assets without possessing a great 
deal of knowledge about computer intrusions. As greater amounts of 
money and more sensitive economic and commercial information are 
exchanged electronically, and as the nation's defense and intelligence 
communities increasingly rely on standardized information technology 
(IT), the likelihood increases that information attacks will threaten 
vital national interests.

As the number of individuals with computer skills has increased, more 
intrusion or "hacking" tools have become readily available and 
relatively easy to use. A hacker can literally download tools from the 
Internet and "point and click" to start an attack. Experts agree that 
there has been a steady advance in the sophistication and effectiveness 
of attack technology. Intruders quickly develop attacks to exploit 
vulnerabilities discovered in products, use these attacks to compromise 
computers, and share them with other attackers. In addition, they can 
combine these attacks with other forms of technology to develop 
programs that automatically scan the network for vulnerable systems, 
attack them, compromise them, and use them to spread the attack even 

Between 1995 and the first half of 2003, the CERT‚ Coordination 
Center[Footnote 2] (CERT/CC) reported 11,155 security vulnerabilities 
that resulted from software flaws. Figure 1 illustrates the dramatic 
growth in security vulnerabilities over these years. The growing number 
of known vulnerabilities increases the number of potential attacks 
created by the hacker community. Attacks can be launched against 
specific targets or widely distributed through viruses and worms.

Figure 1: Security Vulnerabilities, 1995--first half of 2003:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Along with these increasing threats, the number of computer security 
incidents reported to the CERT/CC has also risen dramatically--from 
9,859 in 1999 to 82,094 in 2002 and 76,404 for just the first half of 
2003. And these are only the reported attacks. The Director of CERT 
Centers stated that he estimates that as much as 80 percent of actual 
security incidents goes unreported, in most cases because (1) the 
organization was unable to recognize that its systems had been 
penetrated or there were no indications of penetration or attack or 
(2) the organization was reluctant to report. Figure 2 shows the number 
of incidents that were reported to the CERT/CC from 1995 through the 
first half of 2003.

Figure 2: Information Security Incidents, 1995--first half of 2003:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

According to the National Security Agency, foreign governments already 
have or are developing computer attack capabilities, and potential 
adversaries are developing a body of knowledge about U.S. systems and 
about methods to attack these systems. The National Infrastructure 
Protection Center (NIPC) reported in January 2002 that a computer 
belonging to an individual with indirect links to Osama bin Laden 
contained computer programs that suggested that the individual was 
interested in structural engineering as it related to dams and other 
water-retaining structures. The NIPC report also stated that U.S. law 
enforcement and intelligence agencies had received indications that Al 
Qaeda members had sought information about control systems from 
multiple Web sites, specifically on water supply and wastewater 
management practices in the United States and abroad.

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, warnings of the 
potential for terrorist cyber attacks against our critical 
infrastructures have also increased. For example, in his February 2002 
statement for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the director 
of central intelligence discussed the possibility of cyber warfare 
attack by terrorists.[Footnote 3] He stated that the September 11 
attacks demonstrated the nation's dependence on critical infrastructure 
systems that rely on electronic and computer networks. Further, he 
noted that attacks of this nature would become an increasingly viable 
option for terrorists as they and other foreign adversaries become more 
familiar with these targets and the technologies required to attack 

What are control systems?

Control systems are computer-based systems that are used by many 
infrastructures and industries to monitor and control sensitive 
processes and physical functions. Typically, control systems collect 
sensor measurements and operational data from the field, process and 
display this information, and relay control commands to local or remote 
equipment. In the electric power industry they can manage and control 
the transmission and delivery of electric power, for example, by 
opening and closing circuit breakers and setting thresholds for 
preventive shutdowns. Employing integrated control systems, the oil and 
gas industry can control the refining operations on a plant site as 
well as remotely monitor the pressure and flow of gas pipelines and 
control the flow and pathways of gas transmission. In water utilities, 
they can remotely monitor well levels and control the wells' pumps; 
monitor flows, tank levels, or pressure in storage tanks; monitor water 
quality characteristics, such as pH, turbidity, and chlorine residual; 
and control the addition of chemicals. Control system functions vary 
from simple to complex; they can be used to simply monitor processes--
for example, the environmental conditions in a small office building--
or manage most activities in a municipal water system or even a nuclear 
power plant.

In certain industries such as chemical and power generation, safety 
systems are typically implemented to mitigate a disastrous event if 
control and other systems fail. In addition, to guard against both 
physical attack and system failure, organizations may establish back-up 
control centers that include uninterruptible power supplies and backup 

There are two primary types of control systems. Distributed Control 
Systems (DCS) typically are used within a single processing or 
generating plant or over a small geographic area. Supervisory Control 
and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems typically are used for large, 
geographically dispersed distribution operations. A utility company may 
use a DCS to generate power and a SCADA system to distribute it.

Figure 3 illustrates the typical components of a control system.

Figure 3: Typical Components of a Control System:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

A control system typically consists of a "master" or central 
supervisory control and monitoring station consisting of one or more 
human-machine interfaces where an operator can view status information 
about the remote sites and issue commands directly to the system. 
Typically, this station is located at a main site along with 
application servers and an engineering workstation that is used to 
configure and troubleshoot the other control system components. The 
supervisory control and monitoring station is typically connected to 
local controller stations through a hard-wired network or to remote 
controller stations through a communications network--which could be 
the Internet, a public switched telephone network, or a cable or 
wireless (e.g. radio, microwave, or Wi-Fi[Footnote 4]) network. Each 
controller station has a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), a Programmable 
Logic Controller (PLC), DCS controller, or other controller that 
communicates with the supervisory control and monitoring station. The 
controller stations also include sensors and control equipment that 
connect directly with the working components of the infrastructure--for 
example, pipelines, water towers, and power lines. The sensor takes 
readings from the infrastructure equipment--such as water or pressure 
levels, electrical voltage or current--and sends a message to the 
controller. The controller may be programmed to determine a course of 
action and send a message to the control equipment instructing it what 
to do--for example, to turn off a valve or dispense a chemical. If the 
controller is not programmed to determine a course of action, the 
controller communicates with the supervisory control and monitoring 
station before sending a command back to the control equipment. The 
control system also can be programmed to issue alarms back to the 
operator when certain conditions are detected. Handheld devices, such 
as personal digital assistants, can be used to locally monitor 
controller stations. Experts report that technologies in controller 
stations are becoming more intelligent and automated and communicate 
with the supervisory central monitoring and control station less 
frequently, requiring less human intervention.

Control Systems Are at Increasing Risk:

Historically, security concerns about control systems were related 
primarily to protecting against physical attack and misuse of refining 
and processing sites or distribution and holding facilities. However, 
more recently, there has been a growing recognition that control 
systems are now vulnerable to cyber attacks from numerous sources, 
including hostile governments, terrorist groups, disgruntled 
employees, and other malicious intruders.

In October 1997, the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure 
Protection specifically discussed the potential damaging effects on the 
electric power and oil and gas industries of successful attacks on 
control systems.[Footnote 5] Moreover, in 2002, the National Research 
Council identified "the potential for attack on control systems" as 
requiring "urgent attention."[Footnote 6] In February 2003, the 
President clearly demonstrated concern about "the threat of organized 
cyber attacks capable of causing debilitating disruption to our 
Nation's critical infrastructures, economy, or national security," 
noting that "disruption of these systems can have significant 
consequences for public health and safety" and emphasizing that the 
protection of control systems has become "a national 
priority."[Footnote 7]

Several factors have contributed to the escalation of risk to control 
systems, including (1) the adoption of standardized technologies with 
known vulnerabilities, (2) the connectivity of control systems to other 
networks, (3) constraints on the implementation of existing security 
technologies and practices, (4) insecure remote connections, and 
(5) the widespread availability of technical information about control 

Control Systems Are Adopting Standardized Technologies with Known 

Historically, proprietary hardware, software, and network protocols 
made it difficult to understand how control systems operated--and 
therefore how to hack into them. Today, however, to reduce costs and 
improve performance, organizations have been transitioning from 
proprietary systems to less expensive, standardized technologies such 
as Microsoft's Windows and Unix-like operating systems and the common 
networking protocols used by the Internet. These widely used 
standardized technologies have commonly known vulnerabilities, and 
sophisticated and effective exploitation tools are widely available and 
relatively easy to use. As a consequence, both the number of people 
with the knowledge to wage attacks and the number of systems subject to 
attack have increased. Also, common communication protocols and the 
emerging use of Extensible Markup Language (commonly referred to as 
XML) can make it easier for a hacker to interpret the content of 
communications among the components of a control system.

Control Systems Are Connected to Other Networks:

Enterprises often integrate their control systems with their enterprise 
networks. This increased connectivity has significant advantages, 
including providing decision makers with access to real-time 
information and allowing engineers to monitor and control the process 
control system from different points on the enterprise network. In 
addition, the enterprise networks are often connected to the networks 
of strategic partners and to the Internet. Furthermore, control systems 
are increasingly using wide area networks and the Internet to transmit 
data to their remote or local stations and individual devices. This 
convergence of control networks with public and enterprise networks 
potentially exposes the control systems to additional security 
vulnerabilities. Unless appropriate security controls are deployed in 
the enterprise network and the control system network, breaches in 
enterprise security can affect the operation of control systems.

Use of Existing Security Technologies and Practices Is Constrained:

According to industry experts, the use of existing security 
technologies, as well as strong user authentication and patch 
management practices, are generally not implemented in control systems 
because control systems operate in real time, typically are not 
designed with cybersecurity in mind, and usually have limited 
processing capabilities.

Existing security technologies such as authorization, authentication, 
encryption, intrusion detection, and filtering of network traffic and 
communications require more bandwidth, processing power, and memory 
than control system components typically have. Because controller 
stations are generally designed to do specific tasks, they use low-
cost, resource-constrained microprocessors. In fact, some devices in 
the electrical industry still use the Intel 8088 processor, introduced 
in 1978. Consequently, it is difficult to install existing security 
technologies without seriously degrading the performance of the control 

Further, complex passwords and other strong password practices are not 
always used to prevent unauthorized access to control systems, in part 
because this could hinder a rapid response to safety procedures during 
an emergency. As a result, according to experts, weak passwords that 
are easy to guess, shared, and infrequently changed are reportedly 
common in control systems, including the use of default passwords or 
even no password at all.

In addition, although modern control systems are based on standard 
operating systems, they are typically customized to support control 
system applications. Consequently, vendor-provided software patches 
are generally either incompatible or cannot be implemented without 
compromising service by shutting down "always-on" systems or affecting 
interdependent operations.

Insecure Connections Exacerbate Vulnerabilities:

Potential vulnerabilities in control systems are exacerbated by 
insecure connections. Organizations often leave access links--such as 
dial-up modems to equipment and control information--open for remote 
diagnostics, maintenance, and examination of system status. Such links 
may not be protected with authentication or encryption, which increases 
the risk that hackers could use these insecure connections to break 
into remotely controlled systems. Also, control systems often use 
wireless communications systems, which are especially vulnerable to 
attack, or leased lines that pass through commercial telecommunications 
facilities. Without encryption to protect data as it flows through 
these insecure connections or authentication mechanisms to limit 
access, there is limited protection for the integrity of the 
information being transmitted.

Information about Infrastructures and Control Systems Is Publicly 

Public information about infrastructures and control systems is 
available to potential hackers and intruders. The availability of this 
infrastructure and vulnerability data was demonstrated earlier this 
year by a George Mason University graduate student, whose dissertation 
reportedly mapped every business and industrial sector in the American 
economy to the fiber-optic network that connects them--using material 
that was available publicly on the Internet, none of which was 
classified. Many of the electric utility officials who were interviewed 
for the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee's 
Information Assurance Task Force's Electric Power Risk Assessment 
expressed concern over the amount of information about their 
infrastructure that is readily available to the public.

In the electric power industry, open sources of information--such as 
product data and educational videotapes from engineering associations-
-can be used to understand the basics of the electrical grid. Other 
publicly available information--including filings of the Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission (FERC), industry publications, maps, and material 
available on the Internet--is sufficient to allow someone to identify 
the most heavily loaded transmission lines and the most critical 
substations in the power grid.

In addition, significant information on control systems is publicly 
available--including design and maintenance documents, technical 
standards for the interconnection of control systems and RTUs, and 
standards for communication among control devices--all of which could 
assist hackers in understanding the systems and how to attack them. 
Moreover, there are numerous former employees, vendors, support 
contractors, and other end users of the same equipment worldwide with 
inside knowledge of the operation of control systems.

Cyber Threats to Control Systems:

There is a general consensus--and increasing concern--among government 
officials and experts on control systems about potential cyber threats 
to the control systems that govern our critical infrastructures. As 
components of control systems increasingly make critical decisions that 
were once made by humans, the potential effect of a cyber threat 
becomes more devastating. Such cyber threats could come from numerous 
sources, ranging from hostile governments and terrorist groups to 
disgruntled employees and other malicious intruders. Based on 
interviews and discussions with representatives throughout the electric 
power industry, the Information Assurance Task Force of the National 
Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee concluded that an 
organization with sufficient resources, such as a foreign intelligence 
service or a well-supported terrorist group, could conduct a structured 
attack on the electric power grid electronically, with a high degree of 
anonymity and without having to set foot in the target nation.

In July 2002, NIPC reported that the potential for compound cyber and 
physical attacks, referred to as "swarming attacks," is an emerging 
threat to the U.S. critical infrastructure. As NIPC reports, the 
effects of a swarming attack include slowing or complicating the 
response to a physical attack. For instance, a cyber attack that 
disabled the water supply or the electrical system in conjunction with 
a physical attack could deny emergency services the necessary resources 
to manage the consequences--such as controlling fires, coordinating 
actions, and generating light.

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, cyber 
attacks on energy production and distribution systems--including 
electric, oil, gas, and water treatment, as well as on chemical plants 
containing potentially hazardous substances--could endanger public 
health and safety, damage the environment, and have serious financial 
implications, such as loss of production, generation, or distribution 
of public utilities; compromise of proprietary information; or 
liability issues. When backups for damaged components are not readily 
available (e.g., extra-high-voltage transformers for the electric power 
grid), such damage could have a long-lasting effect.

Although experts in control systems report that they have substantiated 
reports of numerous incidents affecting control systems, there is no 
formalized process to collect and analyze information about control 
systems incidents. CERT/CC and KEMA, Inc. have proposed establishing a 
center that will proactively interact with industry to collect 
information about potential cyber incidents, analyze them, assess their 
potential impact, and make the results available to industry. I will 
now discuss potential and reported cyber attacks on control systems.

Control Systems Can Be Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks:

Entities or individuals with malicious intent might take one or more of 
the following actions to successfully attack control systems:

* disrupt the operation of control systems by delaying or blocking the 
flow of information through control networks, thereby denying 
availability of the networks to control system operators;

* make unauthorized changes to programmed instructions in PLCs, RTUs, 
or DCS controllers, change alarm thresholds, or issue unauthorized 
commands to control equipment, which could potentially result in damage 
to equipment (if tolerances are exceeded), premature shutdown of 
processes (such as prematurely shutting down transmission lines), or 
even disabling of control equipment;

* send false information to control system operators either to disguise 
unauthorized changes or to initiate inappropriate actions by system 

* modify the control system software, producing unpredictable results; 

* interfere with the operation of safety systems.

In addition, in control systems that cover a wide geographic area, the 
remote sites are often unstaffed and may not be physically monitored. 
If such remote systems are physically breached, the attackers could 
establish a cyber connection to the control network.

Department of Energy and industry researchers have speculated on how 
the following potential attack scenario could affect control systems in 
the electricity sector. Using war dialers[Footnote 8] to find modem 
phone lines that connect to the programmable circuit breakers of the 
electric power control system, hackers could crack passwords that 
control access to the circuit breakers and could change the control 
settings to cause local power outages and even damage equipment. A 
hacker could lower settings from, for example, 500 amperes[Footnote 9] 
to 200 on some circuit breakers; normal power usage would activate, or 
"trip," the circuit breakers, taking those lines out of service and 
diverting power to neighboring lines. If, at the same time, the hacker 
raised the settings on these neighboring lines to 900 amperes, circuit 
breakers would fail to trip at these high settings and the diverted 
power would overload the lines and cause significant damage to 
transformers and other critical equipment. The damaged equipment would 
require major repairs that could result in lengthy outages.

Additionally, control system researchers at the Department of Energy's 
national laboratories have developed systems that demonstrate the 
feasibility of a cyber attack on a control system at an electric power 
substation, where high-voltage electricity is transformed for local 
use. Using tools that are readily available on the Internet, they are 
able to modify output data from field sensors and take control of the 
PLC directly in order to change settings and create new output. These 
techniques could enable a hacker to cause an outage, thus 
incapacitating the substation.

The consequences of these threats could be lessened by the successful 
operation of any safety systems, which I discussed earlier in my 

Cyber Attacks to Control Systems Have Been Reported:

There have been a number of reported exploits of control systems, 
including the following:

* In 1998, during the two-week military exercise known as Eligible 
Receiver, staff from the National Security Agency used widely available 
tools to simulate how sections of the U.S. electric power grid's 
control network could be disabled through cyber attack.

* In the spring of 2000, a former employee of an Australian company 
that develops manufacturing software applied for a job with the local 
government, but was rejected. The disgruntled former employee 
reportedly used a radio transmitter on numerous occasions to remotely 
hack into the controls of a sewage treatment system and ultimately 
release about 264,000 gallons of raw sewage into nearby rivers and 

* In August 2003, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission confirmed that in 
January 2003, the Microsoft SQL Server worm--otherwise known as 
Slammer--infected a private computer network at the Davis-Besse nuclear 
power plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio, disabling a safety monitoring system 
for nearly 5 hours. In addition, the plant's process computer failed, 
and it took about 6 hours for it to become available again. Slammer 
reportedly also affected communications on the control networks of 
other electricity sector organizations by propagating so quickly that 
control system traffic was blocked.

Media reports have also indicated that the Blaster worm, which broke 
out three days before the August blackout, might have exacerbated the 
problems that contributed to the cascading effect of the blackout by 
blocking communications on computers that are used to monitor the power 
grid. FirstEnergy Corp., the Ohio utility that is the chief focus of 
the blackout investigation, is reportedly exploring whether Blaster 
might have caused the computer trouble that was described on telephone 
transcripts as hampering its response to multiple line failures.

Securing Control Systems Poses Significant Challenges:

Several challenges must be addressed to effectively secure control 
systems against cyber threats. These challenges include: (1) the 
limitations of current security technologies in securing control 
systems; (2) the perception that securing control systems may not be 
economically justifiable; and (3) the conflicting priorities within 
organizations regarding the security of control systems.

Current Cybersecurity Technologies Have Limitations in Securing Control 

A significant challenge in effectively securing control systems is the 
lack of specialized security technologies for these systems. As I 
previously mentioned, the computing resources in control systems that 
are needed to perform security functions tend to be quite limited, 
making it very difficult to use security technologies within control 
system networks without severely hindering performance.

Although technologies such as robust firewalls and strong 
authentication can be employed to better segment control systems from 
enterprise networks, research and development could help address the 
application of security technologies to the control systems themselves. 
Information security organizations have noted that a gap exists between 
current security technologies and the need for additional research and 
development to secure control systems.

Research and development in a wide range of areas could lead to more 
effective technologies to secure control systems. Areas that have been 
noted for possible research and development include identifying the 
types of security technologies needed for different control system 
applications, determining acceptable performance trade-offs, and 
recognizing attack patterns for intrusion-detection systems.

Securing Control Systems May Not Be Perceived as Economically 

Experts and industry representatives have indicated that organizations 
may be reluctant to spend more money to secure control systems. 
Hardening the security of control systems would require industries to 
expend more resources, including acquiring more personnel, providing 
training for personnel, and potentially prematurely replacing current 
systems that typically have a lifespan of about 20 years.

Several vendors suggested that since there has been no confirmed 
serious cyber attack on U.S. control systems, industry representatives 
believe the threat of such an attack is low. Until industry users of 
control systems have a business case to justify why additional security 
is needed, there may be little market incentive for vendors to fund 
research to develop more secure control systems.

Organizational Priorities Conflict:

Finally, several experts and industry representatives indicated that 
the responsibility for securing control systems typically includes two 
separate groups: IT security personnel and control system engineers and 
operators. IT security personnel tend to focus on securing enterprise 
systems, while control system engineers and operators tend to be more 
concerned with the reliable performance of their control systems. 
Further, they indicate that, as a result, those two groups do not 
always fully understand each other's requirements and collaborate to 
implement secure control systems.

These conflicting priorities may perpetuate a lack of awareness of IT 
security strategies that could be deployed to mitigate the 
vulnerabilities of control systems without affecting their performance. 
Although research and development will be necessary to develop 
technologies to secure individual control system devices, IT security 
technologies are currently available that could be implemented as part 
of a secure enterprise architecture to protect the perimeter of, and 
access to, control system networks. These technologies include 
firewalls, intrusion-detection systems, encryption, authentication, 
and authorization.

Officials from one company indicated that, to reduce its control system 
vulnerabilities, it formed a team composed of IT staff, process control 
engineers, and manufacturing employees. This team worked 
collaboratively to research vulnerabilities and test fixes and 

Steps Can Be Taken to Strengthen Control System Security:

Several steps can be considered when addressing potential threats to 
control systems, including:

* Researching and developing new security technologies to protect 
control systems.

* Developing security policies, guidance, and standards for control 
system security. For example, the use of consensus standards could be 
considered to encourage industry to invest in stronger security for 
control systems.

* Increasing security awareness and sharing information about 
implementing more secure architectures and existing security 
technologies. For example, a more secure architecture might be attained 
by segmenting control networks with robust firewalls and strong 
authentication. Also, organizations may benefit from educating 
management about the cybersecurity risks related to control systems and 
sharing successful practices related to working across organizational 

* Implementing effective security management programs that include 
consideration of control system security. We have previously reported 
on the security management practices of leading organizations.[Footnote 
10] Such programs typically consider risk assessment, development of 
appropriate policies and procedures, employee awareness, and regular 
security monitoring.

* Developing and testing continuity plans within organizations and 
industries, to ensure safe and continued operation in the event of an 
interruption, such as a power outage or cyber attack on control 
systems. Elements of continuity planning typically include 
(1) assessing the criticality of operations and identifying supporting 
resources, (2) taking steps to prevent and minimize potential damage 
and interruption, (3) developing and documenting a comprehensive 
continuity plan, and (4) periodically testing the continuity plan and 
making appropriate adjustments.[Footnote 11] Such plans are 
particularly important for control systems, where personnel may have 
lost familiarity with how to operate systems and processes without the 
use of control systems.

In addition, earlier this year we reviewed the federal government's 
critical infrastructure protection efforts related to selected industry 
sectors, including electricity and oil and gas.[Footnote 12] We 
recommended that the federal government assess the need for grants, tax 
incentives, regulation, or other public policy tools to encourage 
increased critical infrastructure protection activities by the private 
sector and greater sharing of intelligence and incident information 
among these industry sectors and the federal government. In addition, 
we have made other recommendations related to critical infrastructure 
protection, including: developing a comprehensive and coordinated plan 
for national critical infrastructure protection; improving information 
sharing on threats and vulnerabilities between the private sector and 
the federal government, as well as within the government itself; and 
improving analysis and warning capabilities for both cyber and physical 
threats.[Footnote 13] Although improvements have been made, further 
efforts are needed to address these challenges in implementing critical 
infrastructure protection.

Government and private industry have taken a broad look at the 
cybersecurity requirements of control systems and have initiated 
several efforts to address the technical, economic, and cultural 
challenges that must be addressed. These cybersecurity initiatives 
include efforts to promote research and development activities; develop 
process control security policies, guidance, and standards; and 
encourage security awareness and information sharing. For example, 
several of the Department of Energy's national laboratories have 
established or plan to establish test beds for control systems, the 
government and private sector are collaborating on efforts to develop 
industry standards, and Information Sharing and Analysis Centers such 
as the Chemical Sector Cybersecurity Program (for the chemical sector) 
and the North American Electric Reliability Council (for the 
electricity sector) have been developed to coordinate communication 
between industries and the federal government. Attachment I describes 
selected current and planned initiatives in greater detail.

In summary, it is clear that the systems that monitor and control the 
sensitive processes and physical functions of the nation's 
infrastructures are at increasing risk to threats of cyber attacks. 
Securing these systems poses significant challenges. Both government 
and industry can help to address these challenges by lending support to 
ongoing initiatives as well as taking additional steps to overcome 
barriers that hinder better security.

Mr. Chairman, this concludes my statement. I would be pleased to answer 
any questions that you or other members of the Subcommittee may have at 
this time. Should you have any further questions about this testimony, 
please contact me at (202) 512-3317 or at

Individuals making key contributions to this testimony included Shannin 
Addison, Joanne Fiorino, Alison Jacobs, Elizabeth Johnston, Steven Law, 
David Noone, and Tracy Pierson.

[End of section]

Appendix I: Selected Initiatives to Improve Control System Security:

Initiatives to Research and Develop Security Technologies for Control 

Research and development of new technologies is being performed to 
provide additional security options to protect control systems. Several 
federally funded entities have ongoing efforts to research, develop, 
and test new technologies.

Entity: Sandia National Laboratories; Initiative: At Sandia's SCADA 
Security Development Laboratory, industry can test and improve the 
security of its SCADA architectures, systems, and components.; Sandia 
also has initiatives under way to advance technologies that strengthen 
control systems through the use of intrusion detection, encryption/
authentication, secure protocols, system and component vulnerability 
analysis, secure architecture design and analysis, and intelligent 
self-healing infrastructure technology.

Entity: Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Sandia 
National Laboratories, National Energy Technology Laboratory, and other 
entities; Initiative: Plans are under way to establish the National 
SCADA Test Bed, which is expected to become a full-scale infrastructure 
testing facility that will allow for large-scale testing of SCADA 
systems before actual exposure to production networks and for testing 
of new standards and protocols before rolling them out.

Entity: Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National 
Laboratories; Initiative: Los Alamos and Sandia have established a 
critical infrastructure modeling, simulation, and analysis center known 
as the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center. The 
center provides modeling and simulation capabilities for the analysis 
of critical infrastructures, including the electricity, oil, and gas 

Entity: National Science Foundation; Initiative: The National Science 
Foundation is considering pursuing cybersecurity research and 
development options related to the security of control systems.

[End of table]

Initiatives to Develop Process Control Security Policies, Guidance, and 

Several efforts to develop policies, guidance, and standards to assist 
in securing control systems are in progress. There are coordinated 
efforts between government and industry to identify threats, assess 
infrastructure vulnerabilities, and develop guidelines and standards 
for mitigating risks through protective measures. Actions that have 
been taken so far or are under way include the following.

Entity: The President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board; 
Initiative: In February 2003, the board released the National Strategy 
to Secure Cyberspace. The document provides a general strategic 
picture, specific recommendations and policies, and the rationale for 
these initiatives. The strategy ranks control network security as a 
national priority and designates the Department of Homeland Security to 
be responsible for developing best practices and new technologies to 
increase control system security.

Entity: Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society; Initiative: 
The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society is composed of 
users, vendors, government, and academic participants representing the 
electric utilities, water, chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, food 
and beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. It has been working on a 
proposed standard since October 2002. The new standard addresses the 
security of manufacturing and control systems. It is to provide users 
with the tools necessary to integrate a comprehensive security process. 
Two technical reports are planned for release in October 2003. One 
report, ISA-TR99.00.01, Security Technologies for Manufacturing and 
Control Systems, will describe electronic security technologies and 
discuss specific types of applications within each category, the 
vulnerabilities addressed by each type, suggestions for deployment, and 
known strengths and weaknesses. The other report, ISA-TR99.00.02, 
Integrating Electronic Security into the Manufacturing and Control 
Systems Environment, will provide a framework for developing an 
electronic security program for manufacturing and control systems, as 
well as a recommended organization and structure for the security 

Entity: Gas Technology Institute and Technical Support Working Group; 
Initiative: Sponsored by the federal government's Technical Support 
Working Group, the Gas Technology Institute has researched a number of 
potential encryption methods to prevent hackers from accessing natural 
gas company control systems. This research has led to the development 
of an industry standard for encryption. The standard would incorporate 
encryption algorithms to be added to both new and existing control 
systems to control a wide variety of operations. This standard is 
outlined in the American Gas Association's report, numbered 12-1.

Entity: National Institute of Standards and Technology and National 
Security Agency; Initiative: The National Institute of Standards and 
Technology and the National Security Agency have organized the Process 
Controls Security Requirements Forum to establish security 
specifications that can be used in procurement, development, and 
retrofit of industrial control systems. They have also developed a set 
of security standards and certification processes.

Entity: North American Energy Reliability Council; Initiative: The 
North American Energy Reliability Council has established a 
cybersecurity standard for the electricity industry. The council 
requires members of the electricity industry to self-certify that they 
are meeting the cyber-security standards. However, as currently 
written, the standard does not apply to control systems.

Entity: Electric Power Research Institute; Initiative: The Electric 
Power Research Institute has developed the Utility Communications 
Architecture, a set of standardized guidelines that provides 
interconnectivity and interoperability for utility data communication 
systems for real-time information exchange.

[End of table]

Initiatives to Encourage Security Awareness and Share Information:

Many efforts are under way to spread awareness about cyber threats and 
control system vulnerabilities and to take proactive measures to 
strengthen the security of control systems. The Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission, the Department of Homeland Security and other 
federal agencies and organizations are involved in these efforts.

Entity: Department of Homeland Security; Initiative: The Department of 
Homeland Security created a National Cyber Security Division to 
identify, analyze, and reduce cyber threats and vulnerabilities, 
disseminate threat warning information, coordinate incident response, 
and provide technical assistance in continuity of operations and 
recovery planning. The Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office within 
the Department coordinates the federal government's initiatives on 
critical infrastructure assurance and promotes national outreach and 
awareness campaigns about critical infrastructure protection.

Entity: Sandia National Laboratories, the Environmental Protection 
Agency, and industry groups; Initiative: Sandia National Laboratories 
has collaborated with the Environmental Protection Agency and industry 
groups to develop a risk assessment methodology for assessing the 
vulnerability of water systems in major U.S. cities. Sandia has also 
conducted vulnerability assessments of control systems within the 
electric power, oil and gas, transportation, and manufacturing 
industries. Sandia is involved with various activities to address the 
security of our critical infrastructures, including developing best 
practices, providing security training, demonstrating threat 
scenarios, and furthering standards efforts.

Entity: North American Energy Reliability Council; Initiative: 
Designated by the Department of Energy as the electricity sector's 
Information Sharing and Analysis Center coordinator for critical 
infrastructure protection, the North American Energy Reliability 
Council facilitates communication between the electricity sector, the 
federal government, and other critical infrastructure sectors. The 
council has formed the Critical Infrastructure Protection Advisory 
Group, which guides cybersecurity activities and conducts security 
workshops to raise awareness of cyber and physical security in the 
electricity sector. The council also formed a Process Controls 
subcommittee within the Critical Infrastructure Protection Advisory 
Group to specifically address control systems.

Entity: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; Initiative: The Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commission regulates interstate commerce in oil, 
natural gas, and electricity. The commission has published a rule to 
promote the capturing of critical energy infrastructure information, 
which may lead to increased information sharing between industry and 
the federal government.

Entity: Process Control Systems Cyber Security Forum; Initiative: The 
Process Control Systems Cyber Security Forum is a joint effort between 
Kema Consulting and LogOn Consulting, Inc. The forum studies the 
cybersecurity issues surrounding the effective operation of control 
systems and focuses on issues, challenges, threats, vulnerabilities, 
best practices/lessons learned, solutions, and related topical areas 
for control systems. It currently holds workshops on control system 

Entity: Chemical Sector Cybersecurity Program; Initiative: The Chemical 
Sector Cybersecurity Program is a forum of 13 trade associations and 
serves as the Information Sharing and Analysis Center for the chemical 
sector. The Chemical Industry Data Exchange is part of the Chemical 
Sector Cybersecurity Program and is working to establish a common 
security vulnerability assessment methodology and to align the chemical 
industry with the ongoing initiatives at the Instrumentation Systems 
and Automation Society, the National Institute of Standards and 
Technology, and the American Chemistry Council.

Entity: The President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board and 
Department of Energy; Initiative: The President's Critical 
Infrastructure Protection Board and the Department of Energy developed 
21 Steps to Improve the Cyber Security of SCADA Networks. These steps 
provide guidance for improving implementation and establishing 
underlying management processes and policies to help organizations 
improve the security of their control networks.

Entity: Joint Program Office for Special Technology Countermeasures; 
Initiative: The Joint Program Office has performed vulnerability 
assessments on control systems, including the areas of awareness, 
integration, physical testing, analytic testing, and analysis.

[End of table]


[1] Virus: a program that "infects" computer files, usually executable 
programs, by inserting a copy of itself into the file. These copies are 
usually executed when the "infected" file is loaded into memory, 
allowing the virus to infect other files. Unlike the computer worm, a 
virus requires human involvement (usually unwitting) to propagate. 
Trojan horse: a computer program that conceals harmful code. A Trojan 
horse usually masquerades as a useful program that a user would wish to 
execute. Worm: an independent computer program that reproduces by 
copying itself from one system to another across a network. Unlike 
computer viruses, worms do not require human involvement to propagate. 
Logic bomb: in programming, a form of sabotage in which a programmer 
inserts code that causes the program to perform a destructive action 
when some triggering event occurs, such as termination of the 
programmer's employment. Sniffer: synonymous with packet sniffer. A 
program that intercepts routed data and examines each packet in search 
of specified information, such as passwords transmitted in clear text.

[2] The CERT/CC is a center of Internet security expertise at the 
Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and 
development center operated by Carnegie-Mellon University.

[3] Testimony of George J. Tenet, Director of Central Intelligence, 
before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Feb. 6, 2002.

[4] Wi-Fi (short for "wireless" fidelity) is the popular term for a 
high-frequency wireless local area network.

[5] President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, 
Critical Foundations: Protecting America's Infrastructures 
(Washington, D.C.: October 1997). 

[6] The National Research Council, Making the Nation Safer: the Role of 
Science and Technology in Countering Terrorism (Washington, D.C.: 
December 2002). 

[7] The White House, The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace 
(Washington, D.C.: February 2003).

[8] War dialers are simple PC programs that dial consecutive phone 
numbers looking for modems.

[9] An ampere is a unit of measurement for electric current.

[10] U.S. General Accounting Office, Information Security Management: 
Learning from Leading Organizations, GAO/AIMD-98-68 (Washington, D.C.: 
May 1998).

[11] U.S. General Accounting Office, Federal Information System 
Controls Audit Manual, GAO/AIMD-12.19.6 (Washington, D.C.: January 

[12] U.S. General Accounting Office, Critical Infrastructure 
Protection: Challenges for Selected Agencies and Industry Sectors, GAO-
03-233 (Washington, D.C.: February 28, 2003) and U.S. General 
Accounting Office, Critical Infrastructure Protection: Efforts of the 
Financial Services Sector to Address Cyber Threats, GAO-03-173 
(Washington, D.C.: January 30, 2003).

[13] U.S. General Accounting Office, Homeland Security: Information 
Sharing Responsibilities, Challenges, and Key Management Issues, GAO-
03-1165T (Washington, D.C.: September 17, 2003).