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@natashawescoat Great, I have been getting worried that ppl havnt been getting them. Sent a week ago....whew
@MillerMosaicLLC I will be working on updating the site, and doing a plain English version. Are you a web developer?
@MillerMosaicLLC very similar to the way people build 3rd party apps and cool functionality onto twitter
@MillerMosaicLLC Best Buy Remix (Follow @BestBuyRemix) is BB opening up their data sets so that people can develop around them.
@zenaweist Thank you so much Zena!
No question it's time to get another monitor to add to my macbook! Anyone know where I can get one?? hmmm Best Buy??
@debworks Do you think I should handle the Drt devil Department...LOL, Yep, they carry washers, dryers, tv's, you name it! :)
Read Write Web announced me as BB Remix Community Mgr.!!
wow, twitter is soooo behind for me. Anyone else having that issue? I can see responses on others pages, but they take a while to show up..
@acriley Hey, thanks so much...means a lot.
@jpspiderman Remix is opening their data sets for mashups of the content, ability to create apps, mini stores and such
@brendajos Let me know whatever you need and I will put it in the right place
@jaymyers Thank you Jay! Glad to be here!
I am super excited about the new Best Buy remix job, and if anyone has questions please feel free to ask!
I am Community Mgr. for @BestBuyRemix (Pls Follow) and my formal announcement by my boss @kevinmatheny is:
For thos that might have missed it last night I made quite a big announcement, as I will be working with the great folks at Best Buy
@andybeal Andy, I am the new Comm Mgr. for @BestBuyRemix , wanted to chat about using your tool sets for tracking?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Wayne Sutton Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Martin Hall J. Christopher Doss Scott Beale thomasknoll (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Jason Calacanis jamesspratt George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Chaitanya Sagar Justine Megan McCarthy Chris Brogan julien Bob Goyetche kristen crusius drew olanoff Whitney Hoffman Brian Conley Bill Palmer Dave LaMorte Michael Bailey Beth Kanter Heidi Miller John Wall Ilana Donna Jay Moonah Amanda Watlington Eric Olson Doug Haslam
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