Dinah Sanders’s Favorites

hotdogsladies Filling out a form in Flash is like driving a car made out of romaine lettuce and drawings of cars.
peterme It's dispiriting that Y! Is letting go of such quality people. You don't ditch your top 10%.
Dave Shea
mezzoblue nothing but disappointed with Yahoo's madly flushing the company down the Pipes this week. George Oates? You're letting go of George Oates?!
heather champ
hchamp hotels appear to have moved from ugly bedspreads to the threat of ugly bedspreads via a slim runner of gastly material
hotdogsladies Huzzah! With my new phone-book, I shall engage a trades-man for the purpose of applying overdue mending to my buggy-whip cabineting!
Simon Willison
simonw Condolences to friends at Brickhouse (and other now ex-Yahoos) :(
Thor Muller
tempo Meet our new Sec. of Energy, Steven Chu ( Nobel physicist and alt energy mastermind, he knows the "art of the possible."
Ben Cerveny
neb strategerizing about where in the various nebvehicles some of the talent so recently [and stupidly] cast off from Yahoo might be stashed.
Derek Powazek
fraying Jon Stewart: religion is more of a lifestyle choice than homosexuality.
Anil Dash
anildash I will create two categories: Miscellaneous and Other. Everything shall be filed in one of these two categories.
Derek Powazek
fraying Dear Yahoo firedlings, take it from someone who's been "let go" more than once: it's always led to something better. Go forth and kick ass.
Ben Ward
BenWard So, the email address you're all desperate for is: (
Jason Kottke
jkottke Profound words from the cop directing traffic to the pedestrians who were ignoring him: "I am the light!"
Thor Muller
tempo Once you realize Gov. Blagojevich is Bobby Brady with manspread, this whole "taking bribes for a senate seat" scandal makes perfect sense.
Thor Muller
tempo I quoted David Brin on the panel: "in a world where anyone can bear false witness, you better make damned sure there are lots of witnesses."
veen Once you start the knot, you have to get it right. Fiddling with a tie will never make it straight.
veen My Gmail inbox is nearly empty now, but my Google Tasks list is enormous. Have I just shifted the blame?
Rev Dan Catt
revdancatt What I like about listening to Portishead is that you can take your headphones off, walk around a bit, and when you come back it's the same


Evan Williams Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Amanda Udoff peterme Robert Occhialini Scott Beale janice fraser President Monteiro bryan mason Blake Burris Michael Buffington George Kelly lane Sarah Hatter Glenda evany Michael Sippey Derek Powazek judith george Sooz Stewart Butterfield Caterina Courtney P Thor Muller Cal Henderson   christine Edward Vielmetti Kristin Meg Hourihan Dan Budiac MJ
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