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@marmaladegirl is pretty! is pretty! why button no click?
@CharlieGilkey whether the parachute works or not, there's a bunch of us holding a big-ass sheet out to catch ya! :)
@havi is it the d word itself that you despise, an occurrence of it in a word, or both?
@Sari_O Do you know the film Gremlins? "Don't feed them after midnight." Always confused me - since it's always after midnight! :)
@carolehayes No response on the search for a way to see my friends last 3 tweets. Tried looking at twitter search, but no luck so far. :(
@Sari_O You have Level 4 arms?! How?! But...! Gah! Share, share! :o
Failing power + failing wireless = need for too many cables. Time for both me and laptop to sleep! Good to be tweeting again :)
@MyndeMayfield also starring: butt of dancing friend of yesteryear, Becky.
@lightspring Yey! Thank you. I do too! Panic over then :) - A quick search for a photo of my butt, in sympathy with @MyndeMayfield
@MyndeMayfield Everyone should put a photo of their butt online. In fact...
@MyndeMayfield ooh that Charlie can be mean sometimes! :P
@hollyrhoffman Vitamins can make you nauseous? That sounds odd. Maybe it was just coincidence?
@MyndeMayfield - re: that's what our bunnies do too! Just not so high. :)
@harveyparadox hehe - stalker with ADD perhaps?
@lightspring A lot of my friends have been exchanging handles for their real names. But I relate better to my handle than my name!
@harveyparadox aww man, now I get beat up for following the crowd! Life is com-plex!
I *really* want a way to easily see the last 3 tweets from everyone I follow - to see where everyone's at. Please, can someone help?
Everyone's changing their handles (latest: @MyndeMayfield) - but, I still don't want to! I'm not gonna, I tell you! I'm not!
@sushiday I have been very tired - hence lack of activity - am starting to pick up again now - hence activity! It's good to be awake again!


worldmegan Aleks Krotoski Darren Rowse Liz Strauss Lyndon Antcliff Graham Smith Dawud Miracle karenmurphy A Light Lodewijk vd Broek JD Andrews Grant Blakeman Lisa Firke Natalie Jade Barclay soniasimone Erin Doland Eileen Lynn Crymble chrisguillebeau Molly Gordon nathanbriggs Holly Hoffman Allison Day cheekyboots Melissa Pierce Chris Jonathan Fields Melanie Baker Naomi Dunford Allison Shonyo Michael @BikerBar Elsa Pam Bertrand Hilary Barrett Justin
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