New Character Sets in MDS-Serials Records


These elements will become valid for distribution no earlier than June 2006.


In order to expand the use of non-Latin scripts used in serial bibliographic records, the MDS-Serials (CONSER) file will now include records containing Hebrew, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic scripts are already distributed as part of MDS-Serials).


Sample records containing the new scripts have already been distributed as test records:


LCCN 2006263016 -- Cyrillic

LCCN 2006222495 -- Hebrew

LCCN 2006205713 -- Greek


Any questions regarding the data content of these records can be directed to:


Cataloging Policy and Support Office

John Levy
Serial Record Division
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4160
email:, telephone: (202) 707-6325


May 31, 2006